Random geeky goodness

Jun 03, 2006 11:26

So, Ubergeek was poking around online last night and found a couple articles about dating geeks that I just HAVE to link to. Find out why you'd want a geek in the first place, and what to do with one once you've caught him.

I'd love to make my own list, but I don't really have many things the others haven't already covered, heh. The notable exceptions:

- Don't be surprised if you end up having a sort of contest to see who can find the best pics of sunsets online. Nongeeks just somehow never think of stuff like that.

- I think the massive amounts of ignoring everything while coding induces them to try to randomly surprise you, both to make up for having their heads stuck in code for so long and to thank you for putting up with it. As a result of this, www.onyxflame.com now exists. It just redirects to my lj, but it exists. :)

(He also wanted me to share his blog. I think this is serious. :P I mean, in the old days, you moved in together. Now you share blogs. :P The main reason I didn't was because I've got enough people actually commenting on my stuff now that I'd rather not just stop using my lj. That and the fact that I'd probably be too lazy to read my friends page if I wasn't already here. :P It was still a nice offer though. :))

Ok, that's enough gushing for one day. :P


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