Explaining the universe (again)

Jun 02, 2006 10:34

Yay I remembered what I was gonna post about! :P

I know from experience that a lot of people are impatient when it comes to relationships. They meet someone and go happy happy joy joy and it's like their brains just dribble out their ears or something, because suddenly they wanna fast forward to getting laid or shacking up or getting married or whatever it is they're after. The problem is, when you fast forward, there's a lot of in between stuff you miss out on. Such as...oh I dunno, actually getting comfortable around the person you're intending to screw or shack up with or marry.

I've used this tactic many many times before, and it sucked. (It probably would've sucked otherwise too, but that's beside the point. :P) It's like, fast food relationships or something, and all you're left with afterwards is extra fries. It's like being on the road with a trucker, only getting a glimpse of somewhere cool before you have to go somewhere else. And I don't get why our culture is like that, considering we have more time to do stuff than past generations did due to longer lifespans. It started out with "labor saving devices" and companies trying to get us to buy a new whatever every year...how the hell did it get into our relationships too? That's pretty damn sad. You'd think that by having a fast forwarded relationship, you'd at least discover faster that who you're with isn't the right one and it'd hurt less when it dies, but somehow that's not the case. It just ends up squeezing more suckage into a shorter period of time.

Anyway what I'm getting at is, if the journey isn't enjoyable, why would you wanna get to the destination that's at the end of it? And when it comes down to it, there really aren't any destinations anyway, it's all journey. So we might as well take the time to enjoy the scenery before we pass it by.


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