
Sep 18, 2002 07:33

Stayed up too late last night reading again. This book is more interesting than I thought it'd be. It's about this near-future society where the humans of earth have mostly fucked up the planet and died off and stuff, so they're growing a bunch of kids on asteroids and such to save the human race. Not usually quite my flavor of sf, but if it keeps me awake until 2am it must be good. (Somewhere in there I finished the I book, which it turns out I'd read before and totally forgot about until I was several chapters into it. I love it when that happens.)

Birthday party tonight. (My mom's was on Sunday and S's is today, so we're just kinda combining them since my mom was at work.) I'm glad S. is my cousin, I can go downstairs looking like a piece of shit and it won't matter. She got all her drinking over with while visiting her dad last weekend, so hopefully she won't be trying to force beer down my throat this time. (I haven't drank in so long I don't wanna see whether my stomach knows what the hell to do with it or not. Not much point in getting drunk if there's not some hot guy around to fuck anyway. :P)

My mom's springing for pizza, and I guess S. persuaded her to buy her the Harry Potter movie since S's money didn't come in like it was supposed to. I said we oughtta buy dorky party hats and noisemakers just for shits, and cuz we've never done it before. I'm planning on sticking candles in a couple of twinkies and pretending they're birthday cakes. If she remembers to get candles anyway. Then me and S. will prolly sit around writing bad stories and drinking too much coffee. I hope they don't try to get me to try to remember how to play rummy. (Yes folks, this is geek life at its worst. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :P)

Note to self: do NOT read too much today, I need to get in another good 4 hours or so of sleep, or risk passing out with my face in a pizza.

books, life

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