random blabberings (i.e. nothing to say but saying it anyway)

Sep 13, 2002 22:06

Mmmm gotta love pizza. :)

Ok so I was lookin through old journal entries and found this quiz and had nothing better to do so I took it,

What Asatru Figure Are You?

EvilChairGuy /
By Mydako Matari

Weird huh? I didn't peg myself for an evil trickster dude. I mean I can be a manipulative bitch (especially when it comes to mud politics) but EVIL? That's just weird.

According to another survey (on moderngypsy's page), I'm also the Queen of Swords. Didn't quite expect that either, I mean the stuff about spotting lies a mile off is partially true (I can see them, I just usually pretend they're not there :P) but running the Charles Manson fan club or whatever that other crap says? Come on.

It's a good thing those things are just for fun and usually wrong. Of course I'm such a collection of opposites I doubt even one of those official personality tests would hit the nail on the head. It's one thing to know who you are, another entirely to know what who you are is called, other than a nut. :P

Just finished reading All of an Instant by Riachard Garfinkle. It's one of those books that makes you go holy shit and wonder how the hell he ever thought up such a universe. To make a long story short: it's about people who've figured out how to go to a realm outside time, in hopes of protecting/ruling their culture, however with more factions than you can shake a stick at, everyone just ends up fighting endlessly until their culture turns out to have never existed to begin with due to their incessant battles. Of course there's a lot more to it, but I'm not gonna ruin the experience for anyone who feels like reading it. So anyway, now I'm reading Sue Grafton's I book.

Ok, I really need to go downstairs and do a reading now. We thought doing one on Friday the 13th would be interesting, and it falls on the 1st quarter moon to boot, which we've never tried a reading on. (Next week should be REALLY fun...we might be able to catch the full moon AND the equinox, depending on which one of our calendars is right.)

books, quiz

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