May 09, 2012 21:24

I have successfully completed and handed in my thesis - yus!! :D And so ends my final year of college. Now onto the real world... *shudders* Though I'd say I'm off to a pretty good start! I recently scored a full time waitressing job in a new TGI-Friday's opening up. So yay, money! It may have feck-all to do with my college degree, but I could honestly care less right now. A job is a job is a job after all. :P

On another note, writing my thesis has rekindled my old love of video games (yes, the topic of my thesis was video games - and yes, that did made it immensely more entertaining to write! XD) And a new job means I'll soon be able to afford Mass Effect 3. So fuck yeah!!

Haven't been keeping up with TFP, though I did happen upon one depressing spoiler. =C Ah well, fanfiction is there for a reason after all.

Hope all's been well with you guys anyway!

Also. Avengers Assemble = OH MY PUNY GOD! Go watch it you fool!!! D:< If I could marry that movie, I WOULD. Joss Whedon is a GOD among directors. Nuff said.

real life, blargh blargh blargh, work

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