global warming and environmental stuff

Jan 17, 2008 11:51

America is seriously misdirecting its efforts in saving the environment and stopping global warming. This is all my personal thoughts with some research, but not extensive research.
So, the two top polluters in America are coal power plants and automobiles. We're starting to switch a lot over to hybrid cars, which run on electricity. But if power plants are causing more pollution than cars anyway, then, running our cars on electricity is basically going to cause more pollution than just running on gasoline. Eventually, economically electricy seems the better way to go once the technology becomes cheaper. Also, not running on gas will solve the issue of running out of oil. But it doesn't seem to me that it will help the environment at all.
Also, people who are trying to save the environment by not eating red meat and killing off all the cows are retarded. Yes, cows and other ruminants produce methane. Yes, methane is one of the greenhouse gases that causes global warming. However, and i don't remember exactly here, but I think the methane produced by cows is just a mere about 10% of methane produced in America. The rest of it comes from industrial wastes. and methane is only a small portion of the gases and pollutants that cause global warming. let us eat our cows and don't try to save the earth by lessening how many cows there are, because the effects will be very minimal to none.
What we need to focus on is coal burning power plants and various other industrial wastes. That is the bulk of the problem with pollutants and global warming. HOwever, America as a whole will never do anything about it because first of all, we want to keep our electricity and our spoiled little lives. I think it would entirely irrational for everyone to go back to the dark ages where we don't have power or technologies. Thats stupid and ridiciulous adn most people would never go for it. However, if we could focus our efforts on cleaner methods of producing power, such as nuclear energy or wind energy (hydroelectric is great but only works in some places) that would help immensely. Also, cutting down other industrial wastes would help. I don't know how exaclty we'd go about that, but there's smart people out there.
The main reason the real issues aren't being promoted is all political. the people in charge are making monies from industries and factories and power plants. so they focus on the nitpicky things like cows. cars are a major source of pollution, so they deserve some thought, but we need to find even more environmentally friendly ways than running on electric. biodiesel is good, but maybe not the best.

Note that I am not a huge global warming freak, omg we must save the earth we're all going to die. I do care about the environment and i think we should manage it better. but if we're oging to do it, we should do it right and not jump on every global warming trend that comes along. we need to focus on technologies to maintain our overall ways of life while doing it cleanly to preserve the earth for future generations. we do need to adjust things here and there, like not wasting water, it is not entirely a renewable resource people, we can run out of clean water sources, and not wasting electricity. that doesn't only cost more in your electric bills, it causes additional pollution from the plants.
So, yea, thats that.
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