Tightrope Walking 101: The Black Lagoon

Apr 25, 2012 16:56

Title: Tightrope Walking 101
Characters (Pairings): Puck/Kurt, various others
Ratings/Warnings: None?
Summary: This will be a series of oneshots that I've written on my tumblr. Most are drabbles or ficlets. So unless stated, none of the stories are in the same verse.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, alas.

Tightrope Walking 101: The Black Lagoon
Tightrope Walking 101: 21
Tightrope Walking 101: Assassins
Tightrope Walking 101: Untilted
Tightrope Walking 101: Coffee
Tightrope Walking 101: Possess
Tightrope Walking 101: What Sarah Said
Tightrope Walking 101: Now Kiss

{Story Time|

The Black Lagoon

Puck flopped onto the sofa. Groaning, he moved one of the pillows from under him to over his head and threw the other one on the floor. Kicking off his shoes, he winced when he heard one of them land on the end table. Luckily, it didn't hit the lamp. Kurt would have killed him if he had sent it over the edge, migraine or no migraine.

Sighing, Puck tried to get comfortable but was having some difficulty. Their sofa was never this lumpy before was it? And why were his feet so cold? Was that a hole he felt in his sock? Growling a bit, he turned over, now facing the back of the couch. Curling up some, he tucked his face between the back and the seat cushions, hoping for some relief.

The problem was, he still wasn't comfortable. His head was pounding and he wasn't all that tired. But sleeping usually helped with his migraines, after taking his medicine that was. But he felt too exposed to go to sleep.

Growling, he sat up, pillow that had been over his head, fell next to the one on the floor. Turning around, he got on his feet and went over to the chair, grabbing a blanket. Wrapping himself up and picking up a pillow, he moved back to the sofa. Back in his previous position, he was hoping the blanket would make him feel less exposed.

It wasn't working.

He was so frustrated. He hated migraines and the way they made him feel. Not only was there the pain and the nausea and the black spots in his vision, but he felt helpless, his emotions higher on the surface. And there was nothing he could do to stop it.

He wanted to cry.

And if he succumbed to that want, he could always claim it was from the pain, not the emotional turmoil mixed with the physical pain. No one would have to know.

Just then, he heard the door open, and a quiet intake of breath. Puck heard Kurt take off his shoes and grab a book on his way over to the couch. Soft footsteps preceded the feeling of the extra weight on the sofa as it creaked annoyingly.

Having his feet pulled up, Puck had apparently left enough room for Kurt to squeeze in and sit at least semi-comfortably. He felt Kurt open his book and placed it on his lap while a hand lightly rested on Puck's leg.

Puck felt the tension seep out of his body. Letting go of a relaxed breath, Puck was able to fall into the healing arms of sleep.

gleetastic, tightrope walking 101, fanfreakin'fiction

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