Golden Road (6/6)

May 25, 2010 15:04

Title: Golden Road (6/6)
Characters (Pairings): Dean/Castiel, Lisa, Ben
Ratings/Warnings: Set after 5x22 Swan Song
Word Count: 908
Summary: Castiel is searching for Dean after he gets a message from God.
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Let me know what you think, if there does need to be more or not. If there is I can try to think up something. Otherwise I'll try and not. But even if I don't try and think about the story, plots seem to appear in my head. For instance, this and last chapters made themselves known when I was trying to think up plots to other Dean x Cas stories.
But I think this is done and will be done.

{Part One|
{Part Two|
{Part Three|
{Part Four|
{Part Five|

{Story Time|

"Wha'd you do then?" The child asked.

"I went on a bender." Castiel stated.

"What's a bender?" The child's friend asked.

"Cas." Dean walked through the room, "No telling the kids about you getting drunk. Or why."

"Why not?" Castiel voiced.

Dean ran his hand over his face, "Because Ben's friends don't know about what we do."

"Yeah we do." A boy, Castiel thinks that is the one Ben claimed was called Kurt.

Dean's eyes got large, "What?"

Kurt looked around at the child and the two other children, "We're all ones who were taken by those monsters a few years ago. You and a tall guy saved us."

"Changelings. You were all captured by the changelings?" The children all nodded. "Oh." Dean blinked. "Alright then."

Two Days Prior

Lisa walked into the house, not bothering to knock anymore and charged into the living room. "Ben." Her voice was firm yet quiet.

"Hey mom."

"You did not knock." Castiel mused, "This is unusual."

Lisa grabbed the child, "Come home now. We need to talk." She flashed a smile at Castiel and Dean, "Sorry for him bothering you.

"He's not a bother." Dean said, "We like hanging out with him. Good kid and all."

Lisa sighed, "Yes. Well. I'll be seeing you." With that she drug the child away. Back at their home Lisa sat Ben down, "I'm worried about you." She figured it would be better if she didn't beat around the bush. "So is your teacher."

"Why?" Ben asked.

"Ben," She ran her hand through her hair, "You don't have any friends your age. You used to."

"I had a few, yeah." Ben rolled his eyes, "But not a lot. And now I've got Dean and Cas."

"That's the thing." Lisa started, "You are friends with a thirty year old hunter and an angel. No one else." She put her hand on his arm, "I'd like it if you spent more time with kids your age. Please, for me?"

Ben nodded, shoulder's slumped, "Sure mom." He gave a small smile, "Anything for you."

That is why the next day Castiel opened his door to find not only the child, but other children. "Hello."

"Cas, these are my friends." The child said, "Kurt, Tom and Phil." Each child nodded when their name was said, "Can we come in?"

"Of course." Castiel let them inside, "We must be quiet, Dean is upstairs taking a nap."

"Not anymore." Dean said, walking into the room, yawning. "Hey Ben."

"Hey Dean." Ben said before giving out the names of the children once more, "Mind if we hang out here?"

"No." Dean walked over to the fridge and pulled out a beer, "Have fun. I'm gonna go clean the gu-some stuff."

"What's he doing?" One of the children asked.

"Cleaning the guns." Castiel said.

"Guns?" Their eyes got large, "Cool."

"Y'know what's cool?" Ben asked, "Cas and Dean saved the world."

"Really? How'd they do that?" They all sat down and Castiel talked to them.


Kurt looked around at the child and the two other children, "We're all ones who were taken by those monsters a few years ago. You and a tall guy saved us."

"Changelings. You were all captured by the changelings?" The children all nodded.

"Oh." Dean blinked. "Alright then." He sighed, "Cas," he looked at his lover, "The same rules apply to the rest of the midgets as it does Ben. No stories to scary and no apocalypse stories."

"Yes, of course, Dean." Castiel nodded. "No more stories about why I got drunk."

There was a loud knock at the door and since Dean was already standing, he went to answer it. "Lisa." He greeted, "And other women." Two other women were standing there. "Come on in." He sighed and stood back, sure they were here for the children.

"Phil said he was going to Ben's house." A red head said loudly, "This is not Ben's house." She glowered at him.

"We had no idea where the kids were." the other woman said, flipping her sandy blonde hair behind her, "As soon as they showed up here you should've sent them back."

Dean held up his hands, "Look, I'm sorry."

"Ben." Lisa scolded, "I told you to make friends with kids your own age."

"I did." He gestured to the three other boys.

Sighing, Lisa continued, "That meant spend less time with Dean and Castiel, not take them over here."

The child's brow furrowed, "You want me to spend less time with Dean and Cas?"



"It's not normal." Lisa said, "You come here nearly every day."

"And then you took my son here." The red head said vivacious. "I don't know these men."

Lisa turned to her, "Don't worry. They're good men." She gave a small smile, "They're very safe here." She glanced at Castiel then, "Except he might tell them a scary story."

"I do not understand how my stories could frighten the children." Castiel said with a small frown.

"Yeah, you wouldn't." Lisa replied kindly. "Okay. Ben. No taking your friends here unless their parents know." She grabbed him, "Now lets all go home."

After all the humans left Dean sat down next to Castiel, drinking his beer. Castiel tilted his head, "I do not think we've ever had that many people in our house at once. It made me want to have a dinner party."

Dean couldn't help but choke on his beer.

golden road, supernatrualove, fanfreakin'fiction

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