Golden Road (4/4)

May 19, 2010 06:53

Title: Golden Road (4/4)
Characters (Pairings): Dean/Castiel, Lisa, Ben
Ratings/Warnings: Set after 5x22 Swan Song
Word Count: 1510
Summary: Castiel is searching for Dean after he gets a message from God.
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Hope you enjoy. At the moment, this is the last installment and will probably stay that way. I can't say either one way or the other if there will be more for certain.

{Part One|
{Part Two|
{Part Three|

{Story Time|

"And then what?" the child asked, eyes wider than Castiel had ever seen them.

"Dean knocked over a statue to get attention."

"Cas," Dean said, walking into the room and giving him a look that Dean says is used for reprimanding, "Do you really think you should be telling Ben about the apocalypse?"

"I should not?" Castiel asked, unsure as to why it was something that wasn't to be talked about. "Why not?"

"Because," Dean paused, unsure on what do answer with, "Because he's still a kid and. Just. Because."

Castiel's mouth opened in a silent 'oh' and he nodded, amused by Dean's floundering. "How would you like it if we had fish tonight for our meal?"

Dean gave his look that stated he was confused as to how Castiel got on that topic, but he was going to 'roll with it'. "Uh. Sure."

"Very good. I want to mix a Julia Child and a Rachel Ray recipe." Castiel turned to Ben, "Would you like to join us?"

"Yes," the child answered, "but I can't. Mom's new boyfriend Ron is coming over. Again." He slouched in his seat and his bottom lip was sticking out farther than Castiel had ever seen, except for that character in the movie Forrest Gump that Dean made him watch two days ago.

Tilting his head, Castiel stated, "You dislike him."

A loud rapping came from the door and Dean moved to open it, "Lisa." He greeted.

"Give me my child back."

"Come in," Dean said, standing aside the door as Lisa strode in and towards the child.

"Come on, Ben." Lisa said, "Let's go home. Ron's there and we don't want him to wait any longer do we?" Castiel tilted his head as he watched Lisa move. She seemed different. Was this a time of the month event?

After they left Dean sighed, "Awkward."

"Why it is awkward?" Castiel asked.

"Well, we didn't really think about it when we moved two blocks away from her. I mean, she gets to see me with you and I get to see her date other men." Dean shrugged.

"Is that not good? Do we not want her happy with someone else?" Castiel got up to get fish out of the freezer.

"Well, we do want her to be happy, yes." Dean answered, "But I imagine she is wondering if she'd be happier with me and-"

Castiel turned around and gazed at Dean, "You think you would be happier if you had stayed with her and Ben?" He felt his feelings fall. He had been joyed when God had left his human emotions when he was brought back as he was before, but now he wondered if this had been easier to know that Dean regretted his decision if he didn't have those human feelings.

"No." Dean said, voice soft as he swiftly moved to Castiel, "That is not what I meant. I don't regret my decision, Cas."

"I am pleased to hear that." Castiel stated. "What food would you like with our fish?"


"I do not understand." Castiel stated, staring at the child. "Why would you learn that in school?"

"I don't get it either Cas." Ben said with a sigh, "It's not like I need to know this stuff about elephants. I'm never gonna see one."

Dean walked through the room and winked at the two of them as he left the house, "Be back in a half-hour."

"Where is he going?" Ben asked, watching Dean leave.

"I believe Dean is getting money for our next grocery purchase." Castiel frowned, "We are out of peanut butter."

"Both kinds?" The child was surprised when Castiel nodded. "Wow." Castiel nodded again.

The rapping on the door was sudden. Castiel got up and was not surprised when Lisa was on the other side. "Hello." She raised an eyebrow, "Yes. Ben is here at the moment. Did you know they are teaching him about elephants in school. Do you know why they would waste time teaching him that?"

"It's just part of the curriculum." Lisa ran a shaking hand through her hair. "Not a big deal." Chewing on her bottom lip she said, "Hey, would you and Dean mind babysitting Ben three days from now? It's Ron and my six month anniversary and he said-" She had to start again, "He said he wanted to treat me to a night out."

"Of course we would." Castiel answered, "I enjoy your child. He is a good one."

"Thanks." Giving a tight smile Lisa collected the child and left.

Not too long after that Dean came home with a wad of cash, "I would like to bring home some money once." Castiel stated.

Dean gave him a look, "Dude, you still can't lie convincingly. I don't think it'd go over well."

Castiel nodded, "That is true. We are watching Ben for Lisa three days from now. I think Ron is abusing her."

Dean dropped the money and turned around, "Say what?"

"We are watching Ben for-"

"No, not that part." Dean said, "After that."

"I think Ron is abusing Lisa." Castiel said again.

"Fuc-I'm gonna rip his lungs out!" Dean started to go towards where they kept the weapons when he turned suddenly, "Wait. Cas, I know you've gotten a lot better at understanding how humans act and why, but I need to know why you think this. Because I can't go and kill the guy if they're just having rough sex."

"Lisa is afraid and she had bruises on her body. She makes sure food is ready for Ron and does whatever he says." Tilting his head, he continued, "this is a semi-new occurrence as well. It was a slow build."

"I'm gonna rip his lungs out!" Dean yelled as he finished his trot to the weapons. Grabbing a shotgun full of rock-salt he walked over to Lisa's.

Castiel followed after Dean, he was worried for Lisa and the child as well. He was a few steps behind his lover and was surprised when Dean actually knocked on the door and had not just kicked the door open. Dean liked kicking doors open.

Ron opened the door and was about to say some words when Dean punched him in the face. "What the fuck? Why'd you punch me?" Ron asked, hands up to his face.

"How does that feel, huh?" Dean stepped over Ron, "To be hit? Not fun is it?"

"Dean!" Lisa yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Has Ron been hitting you?" Dean asked. When Lisa didn't reply he asked again, "Has Ron been hitting you? Or Ben?"

Ron got up and was about his hit Dean from behind him when Castiel grabbed Ron's shoulder and pulled him back to face him. "Do not think about it." Castiel advised.

"Has he?" Dean yelled.

After a long pause Lisa nodded. "Not much, but. He has."

Dean licked his lips, "Why didn't you leave him?"

"I was afraid of what he'd do." Lisa stated as Ben went over to her.

"Why would you not come to us then?" Dean asked, "We could've helped sooner."

"I didn't- I-" Lisa seemed to not know why.

"You really think two queers will frighten me?" Ron asked.

Dean turned and leaned against the wall, shotgun resting comfortably against his leg, "Wha'd you call us?"

Ron swallowed, eyes on the gun, "Queers."

"Eyes should not be on an object when someone is speaking to you." Castiel stated and Ron's eyes reached his and he swallowed again. He looked afraid. Dean glanced at his lover and took a step back. "You should not hit people. Especially ones that you are in a relationship with. I do not like people who do such actions." Castiel regarded Ron with slight tilt of his head, "I think that you will go elsewhere and I will keep an eye on you."

No one moved for a few moments; clearing his throat, Dean said, "I think this is where you leave."

After Ron left Dean made sure Lisa was okay and made it clear that if she ever had a problem to come to them. Castiel said that he was going to make sure Ron never hurt another person. At their home Dean paced and growled, "How did she let him do that to her? She's a strong woman. I don't-"

"It's a slow process." Castiel told him, "I believe it had only started recently and he probably always said that he was sorry. The mud monkeys," Dean raised his eyebrows at Castiel using that term, "are good at being able to get away with acting violent." He put a hand on Dean's shoulder, "It is not your fault. You are not to blame. She is not to blame. The child is not to blame. Ron is to blame."

Dean nodded, "Y'know, even though I'm the one who punched him and had the gun, he was more afraid of you."

"Really?" Castiel shrugged, "Interesting. Will we go buy food now?"

Dean gave a slight smile, "Sure, Cas. Lets go buy us food."

{Part Five|

golden road, supernatrualove, fanfreakin'fiction

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