Over and Over: 19. Gray

May 24, 2010 21:16

Title: Over and Over: 19. Gray
Characters/Pairing: Gray, Jack, Hart
Spoilers: 'Exit Wounds'
Warnings: None
Summary: Got 100 word prompts and themes. Therefore, 100 oneshots. This is number 19. Gray
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Yeah, I know. It's short. But I'm writing so much right now, long stories for Over and Over and working on some Supernatural stuff. Once in a while working on Psych or original stuff. It's a lot of stuff.

{Story Time|

19. Gray

It was all his fault, what had happened. If he just hadn't let go of his brother's hand everything would have been fine. They'd have hidden and stayed safe before going home and being with their family. No torture. No hurt. No killing. But the sand had been loose under his feet, hands sweaty from the worry and fear, easy to let a hand slip from your own.

But it was all over now. It had happened, people had moved on. Though he still blamed himself. He let go of his brother's hand. His one regret in his life, well, main regret anyway.

"Y'know Gray," Hart started, "your brother has been kicking himself for years about letting go of your hand. Never forgave himself."

He let go of Gray's hand? Gray hadn't let go of his?

The bastard deserves to pay.

torchwoodoctorwho, over and over, fanfreakin'fiction

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