Over and Over: 50. Alone

Dec 13, 2009 07:01

Title: Over and Over: 50. Alone
Characters/Pairing: Ianto/Jack, mention of Gwen/Rhys, Mr and Mrs Harkness, Mrs Jones, Rhiannon
Spoilers: None
Warnings: AU
Summary: Got 100 word prompts and themes. Therefore, 100 oneshots. This is number 50. Alone
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Well, my friend said it was a slightly awkward situation but a good story. I concur, as apparently, their parents are very oblivious. The story is based off the song 'I Think We're Alone Now' with hidden lyrics. Anyway, the story is an AU where Jack and Ianto are still in school. So, yay?

{Story Time|

50. Alone

“Why don’t you go outside and play with the neighbor.” Mrs. Jones suggested, “What’s their son’s name? Jake?”

“Jack.” Ianto Jones replied. He put his now empty glass on the counter, “Alright. What time should I be back?”

“Food will be on the table at seven.” She gave her son a kiss on the forehead as he left, “Now you kids behave and watch how you play.” She’d seen one too many teenagers roughhouse and end up with a broken arm.

Ianto gave a smile, “Alright Mam.” With that he went and knocked on the Harkness’ door.

The Harkness’ moved to the small village in the Brecon Becons earlier in the year. Jack’s father had been stationed in Wales previous in his life and after he left the military he wanted to go back. Why they moved to the village and not Cardiff is beyond both Ianto and Jack.

“Hello-oh, Ianto.” Mr. Harkness greeted, “Jack’s just finishing his homework.” He stepped to the side.

Ianto walked in, “Maybe I’ll help him, Sir. Make sure he has the right answers?”

Mr. Harkness laughed, which Ianto loved to watch. He would do so with his full body, making you smile and maybe join in. A rather infectious laugh. Jack laughed like his father. “That sounds like a good plan, my boy.” He patted Ianto on the back.

Ianto walked into Jack’s room after doing a quick knock. He watched as Jack turned and grinned at him, “Jones, Ianto Jones. So glad you decided to join me.” He got up and hugged the Welshman tight, spinning in a circle. “Now,” He kissed Ianto on the forehead where his Mam had, which bothered the boy slightly, “I need your help.” He grabbed Ianto’s hand and lead him to the desk. “The history is getting to me.” He sat down and tugged Ianto into his lap, “Why do you hate the English so much?”

Ianto rolled his eyes, “That is common sense.” He sighed and leaned back into Jack. “Do you really need help with your homework?”

Jack chuckled, Ianto liked the feel of it against his back, “No. I think I will pass just fine.” He paused, “Do you need help?”

“Honestly, if I did, it wouldn’t be from you.” Ianto dead panned.

“Hey!” Jack said, pushing Ianto off his lap quickly and onto a pillowed floor. Ianto wasn’t sure why, but Jack liked pillows. And they were everywhere. “That wasn’t very nice.” He tried to keep a straight face but Ianto would see fun in his eyes.

The door opened, “You two behave.” Mr. Harkness said after hearing a thump, “Jack, If you’re done with your work, how about you both go outside and play?”

“Sure, Dad.” Jack said, holding his hand out for Ianto to grab, helping the slightly younger man up. As they were leaving the house, Mr. Harkness told Jack, “Your Mom said that she’ll be done with fixing the food at a touch past seven. So watch how you play, I think your Mom would kill you if you tore another pair of pants.”

“Alright Dad.” Jack said, waving as the two boys went outside and started walking to their secret spot. It was in the nearby wood with a small pond and some logs to sit on. Jack often said the only thing it was missing was pillows. When they got into the safe darkness of the trees Jack grabbed Ianto’s hand and grinned at him. “Let’s hurry up.” So, holding on to one another’s hand they ran to their spot. When they got there Jack pulled Ianto close, making the two of them tumble to the ground. They ended up rolling on top each other for a few seconds, Jack on top at the end, “I think we’re alone now. There doesn‘t seem to be anyone around.”

Ianto laughed and then saw it, he quickly rolled them over, making himself on top just in time. “I know it may be considered good luck to have a bird shit on you, but I thought you’d like to not have it happen.” He raised an eyebrow as Jack’s eyes slid over to where they had been, some bird excrement marring the ground.

“Oh Ianto,” Jack started with a large sigh, “you’re my hero.” He batted his eyelashes.

Ianto playfully punched Jack on the arm as they sat up, “You’re incorrigible.”

“Oh you like it that way.” Jack replied. He looked Ianto up and down, “You look really good today.”

“Careful Jack, that’s harassment.” Ianto replied with a smile.

“Not when we’re boyfriends.” Jack pulled Ianto close.

The Welshman looked down, “That’s the thing, Jack. We are only boyfriends here in the woods.” He played with the sleeve of Jack’s shirt, “I hate how we have to hide what we’re doing.”

Jack reached out with his other hand and pulled Ianto’s face up to meet his, “I know, but what would they say if they ever knew?” He kissed Ianto on the lips, “Just think though, Yan. Next year we’ll both be in Uni together and then we won’t have to hide in the forest.”

Ianto smiled, “That’s true.” He kissed the other boy back. “And this year is almost over.”

“Now,” Jack said, sitting on his usual log, “Let’s not waste anymore of the time we have together talking about hiding our relationship.”

Ianto nodded and sat down next to Jack, grabbing his hand. “Though I don’t think we’re hiding it the best.”

“What do you mean?”

“Gwen figured it out.” Ianto paused, “Almost like she could read my mind today. After you came and talked to me for a few seconds after lunch she turned to me and said she was excited for us and she wanted all the details.”

“Gwen?” Jack asked.

“Gwen Cooper.” Ianto responded, “Gap in her teeth?”

“Oh her.” The American boy answered, “Rhys keeps going on about her. I told him to ask the girl out before someone else did.” He chuckled a bit, “Rhys was actually worried that you and her were already going out. I assured him that you both were just friends.”

“Good.” Ianto said, nodding, “Because I have you.” He kissed Jack holding the other boy close. When they parted Ianto looked at his watch. “We’d better get going.”

The two held each other’s hands until they reached the end of the trees. Simply walking close Jack walked Ianto home, as he needed to be back first. “See you tomorrow Ianto.” Jack smiled at his secret boyfriend.

“Yes, see you later Jack.” He smiled back and went inside.

“You two have fun?” Ianto’s Mam asked while setting the table.

“Yes, Mam.” Ianto replied, washing his hands.

“I’m glad you have a friend.” She paused, “You never really had one before they moved here.”

“Yes, Mam.” He agreed.

“Now, if you would find a nice girl to bring home-”

“What about that Gwen girl?” Rhiannon, Ianto’s younger sister asked, walking into the room.

“She’s interested in the Williams bloke.” Ianto replied. “She’s just a friend.”

“Rhys, huh?” Rhi smiled, “I think they’ll do well together.” She paused, “Maybe he’ll find a girl at Uni next year? Bring her home for the holidays?” She giggled at the idea.

Ianto didn’t reply, just sat down at the table and fixed his plate. He wasn’t too fond of his Mam and sister talking about his love life, they had the wrong idea and he wasn’t sure how or when (if?) he’d ever tell them the truth.

Jack meanwhile walked in and to have his Dad frown at him. “Your clothes are dirty.”

“But not torn.” Jack tried to make it seem better. “Ianto saved me from some bird droppings.”

“Ah, I see.” Mr. Harkness replied, shrugging and grinning, “But it is true that your clothes are still in one piece. A thing to celebrate, for sure.” He sent his son upstairs to change into clean clothes before joining his parents for the meal.

“I am glad that we moved next to the Jones’.” Mrs. Harkness said, “That Ianto of theirs is a good influence on our Jack.”

“That he is. A good upstanding boy.” Mr. Harkness agreed.

Jack just wondered if his parents would think that if they knew the truth. His Dad had been in the Military and really believed that ‘those queers shouldn’t be in the Military. Would probably defile a gun’. This was why Jack planned on never having them find out, figuring that he’d be disowned.

He couldn’t wait until he and Ianto escaped to Uni where they could be together. He grinned, thinking about his secret boyfriend.

“Something happen today to make you grin like that?” Mrs. Harkness asked her son.

“Yes.” Jack said, leaving it at that, starting on his meal.

{Next installment|

alone now au, torchwoodoctorwho, over and over, fanfreakin'fiction

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