Over and Over: 51. Blues

Dec 12, 2009 13:36

Title: Over and Over: 51. Blues
Characters/Pairing: Ianto/Jack, Gwen/Rhys, Owen, Tosh, Andy, John Hart, Martha
Spoilers: Something Borrowed
Warnings: Not really
Summary: Got 100 word prompts and themes. Therefore, 100 oneshots. This is number 51. Blues
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Hehe. I've talked this idea over and over with my friend and I finally wrote it. She read it and gave it the okay, so I hope you give it an okay too. Mentions of Blues Brothers, Princess Bride, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Wonder Woman, and Buffy. Enjoy it, alright?

{Story Time|

51. Blues

One P.C. Andy Davidson looked down at all the blood on the street. He had seen the attacker run for the hills and thought he had recognized what it was. That’s why he had called them. Hearing a car pull up and stop quickly he knew they had arrived. Only once he saw them, he wasn’t so sure if they hadn’t left their minds elsewhere.

“Bleeding Hell, is that Spike?” He found himself asking.

“Ha!” The Spike look-a-like said with a grin on his face, “Someone agrees with me that I look like him!”

Andy looked at the rest, “Is that a whip?” He was staring at the Asian woman, Toshiko was her name, if he remembered correctly.

“P.C,” Jack said, dressed all in black with a mask on, “Why did you call us?”

“Well,” He started, trying to ignore two who were dressed alike and a Gwen that would give him something to think about one some lonely nights, “I think I saw a - what’da’ya call ‘em? Weebil? Running to the sewer after killing this man.”

“I am not following a Weevil into the sewers,” Owen started, “This suit is a rental.”

“Don’t worry, Owen,” Ianto said, “I know a good dry cleaner.” He smirked slyly at his counterpart.

Owen glared back, “I bet you own your suit.”

“Of course.”

“Jack,” Gwen started her question while rearranging her hat, “what should we do now?”

“It went to the sewers?” Jack waited for a nod from the P.C. before starting again, “Leave it. If it comes back up we’ll get it. But it’ll probably stay in the sewers.”

Andy was a little bit shocked that they would just let a killer get away. Why would they do that? Surely they should hunt it and put it down? Apparently not. Though he was a little confused, so he decided to ask, “Why are you all dressed up?”

Two Hours Earlier

“Come on, Ianto!” Jack yelled down his small hatch from his office, “The others will be here soon for the Fancy Dress Party!” he heard some mumbling about why they were having a Fancy Dress Party, “We’re having the Party to boost morale, you know that.” The Captain sighed, “You are the one who said we should boost morale. Said no one has really been the same since Owen died and came back.”

“I know what I said.” Ianto replied, his head out of the hatch. He had a black hat on, “Though I do believe I suggested we go for a meal or have a movie night. Or just give everyone a night off.” he paused, “Or extra money.”

“Yes, that is what you suggested,” Jack said, securing his black mask on his face, “But ever since you shown me that movie I wanted a reason to dress up like this.” he turned and struck a pose with his sword, “Let’s see those R.O.U.S get me now!”

The only response was Ianto rolling his eyes as he made sure he had the harmonica in his little case that was handcuffed to him. “Jack, will you hand me the sunglasses?” he nodded to a pair that rested near the elder man.

Jack grabbed them and handed them over, “As you wish.”

Ianto raised an eyebrow as he put the shades on, giving a playful smirk at the same time.

They heard the siren sound, letting them know someone was there. Jack grinned and ran out to see who it was. He ran down to the main area of the Hub, “Toshiko!” He greeted her, “Or should I say Wonder Woman!”

“Either is fine, Jack.” Tosh smiled, “Or should I call you The Dread Pirate Roberts?”

Jack laughed, “See you’re a fan and oh my! Is that a whip?” He winked at the superhero. “If you ever want some ideas on how to use it one night-” He started with a leer.

“You look amazing Tosh.” Ianto greeted with a Chicago accent.

Tosh laughed when she saw the Welshman, “My My, Ianto. You’ve even got ‘Elwood’ written on your knuckles.” She paused, “But how can you see? It’s normally very dark in here and now you’re wearing sunglasses…”

“Alien sunglasses.” He answered simply. The alarm sounded again and Ianto muttered something about checking on the punch.

Gwen and Rhys walked in, Gwen’s heels sounding on the floor. Her outfit shimmered in the light and a top hat sat on top her head. Her makeup was sharp and her hair had been pulled up so that it looked like it was shorter than normal. Rhys had a biker look about him and a large gash on his forehead. A saxophone was in his hand.

Tosh giggled when she saw them, “That is amazing. You guys look just like Colombia and Eddie.”


All turned to Jack. “Colombia and Eddie.” Tosh said, “From Rocky Horror.”

Jack just shrugged, “Never seen it.”

All gaped at him. How would Jack have never seen Rocky Horror? “I’ve got a copy.” Ianto said, walking up, “I’ll show it to you. You think you liked the Princess Bride? You’ll love Rocky Horror Picture show.”

“Seriously,” Rhys started, “You’ve lived here for how long? And never seen Rocky Horror? That isn’t possible. You were around when it first showed up.”

“I was busy?” Jack guessed.

“Oi.” Gwen started, “Where Jake, Elwood?”

Ianto looked up, “He should be here shortly.” His Chicago accent still there.

From above the lift came down and there stood a dark and elegant woman. “Martha Jones!” Jack called up, glad she could make it to their party. She was in town for a UNIT meeting with the head of Torchwood the following day. Of course that was Jack, the head of Torchwood, but they wouldn’t talk about the meeting before the allotted time.

Martha smiled at them, her hair up in a French twist, a slinky black dress looked wonderful on her and a long cigarette holder was resting casually in her hand. “Hello everyone.” She stepped off the lift. “Is everyone here?”

“Owen’s not.” Tosh said, “No idea what’s taking him so long, considering he has all the time in the world to get ready.” She shrugged.

Gwen was grinning, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s one of my favorites.” Rhys nodded beside her, not saying anything verbally, but nonverbally he was stating that they watched it a bit too much for his liking.

“It’s one of mine as well.” Martha responded, “Though I guess you could figure that out.” She laughed and walked up to everyone and gave them a hug, she paused when she reached Rhys.

“Martha, this is Rhys, my husband.” Gwen gave the introduction, her eyes on her new husband.

“It’s lovely to meet you!” Martha hugged him as well, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“I’ve heard some about you too.” Rhys replied, surprised by her hug.

The siren sounded once more, for what should be the last time, and Owen walked in, dressed exactly like Ianto. In fact, it was a little too much like Ianto. All the way down to the name ‘Elwood’. Jack burst out laughing.

“Teaboy!” Owen yelled in his own Chicago accent, “Why aren’t you dressed up as Jake?”

“Me?” Ianto asked, “Clearly you should be Jake.”

“Did you not discuss who was who?” Tosh asked.

“No!” Owen yelled.

“I didn’t think we’d need too.” Ianto replied calmly.

“Well, I find it a miracle enough,” Jack started, “that they both decided to at least be Blues Brothers. I’m not surprised they didn’t discuss the details of their outfits.”

Owen suddenly turned on Ianto, “Wait, how am I ‘clearly’ Jake?”

Ianto looked at him like he was an idiot, “For starters, you’re shorter than me-”

“Pfft.” Owen scoffed, “My accent is better.”

“No, it’s not.” The Welshman said, before continuing, “And for another reason, you and Jake are both dead.”

Gwen chuckled, “Sorry Owen, it’s pretty clear to me.”

Owen gave her a rude hand gesture in response. “Okay, whatever. What have we got planned for tonight?”

“We’ve got food, drink and some games.” Jack said, he gestured to a table with a spread of the food and drink.

“It’s not like the food or drink is any use to me.” Owen growled, “What type of games?” He didn’t sound very enthused.

Jack shrugged, “Card games mostly. A few board games. We can also play like Truth or Dare or whatever.”

“Sounds fun.” Owen replied sarcastically.

The group (excluding Owen) attacked the table of food and drink before all sitting in the area where Ianto and drug extra chairs to. Some dance music played in the background as they all just looked at each other, unsure on what to do.

“Cards?” Gwen asked, grabbing a deck that lay on the table.

“Strip Poker?” Jack suggested with an eyebrow wiggle that could not be seen due to his mask.

“Jack,” Ianto asked, “Let’s try and keep the strip poker and spin the bottle out of tonight’s agenda.”

“As you wish.”

“How about Black Jack?” Tosh suggested.

“I bet you always win at that.” Owen said as she shrugged in a way that suggested she did, “Count cards, right?” She scowled at him.

Just then a crash came from around the area of the door, the siren still silent. Jack jumped up and ran over there, pulling out the sword that he had used as part of his costume.

Standing there was a man who had bleached his hair and changed his normal outfit to black pants and a red shirt, a black duster covered his shoulders and back, his wrist strap still part of his attire. His hands were in the air and when he spoke his normal accent was switched to an English one. “Don’t shoot, Don’t-” He paused, “A sword?” He chortled. “Really?”

Jack put his sword away, “What are you doing here?”

“Fancy Dress Party.” One Captain John Hart said, “I thought it sounded like fun.”

Jack paused, “Okay, but who are you supposed to be?”

“Spike, of course.”

By now all the others had joined Jack, “Spike? Off Buffy?” Rhys asked.

“Yeah.” He asked like it was the most obvious fact in the world.

“You’re joking right?” Owen remarked. “You look nothing like him.”

“I look exactly like him!”

Voices were murmured from everyone else in a general conscious that he did not, in fact, look like Spike.

“Who exactly are you?” Martha asked, eyeing the man.

“A pain in the ass.” Jack replied at the same time John said, “Captain John Hart.” He eyed her back, “And who might you be?”

“Someone you should keep your distance from.” Jack said.

“Or what? You’ll hurt me?” John mocked.

Martha smiled, “I don’t need Jack to protect me.” She paused as John made a scandalous noise, “Martha Jones.”

“Not that you’re interested, but I’m Rhys.”

“You’re the one who called Gwen here when we were-” John’s face was amused when the Welshwoman cut him off.

“Yes, yes. It’s him.”

“So, now that I’m here, we can get this party started.” John walked over to the table and grabbed a bottle before chugging the whole thing down. “Strip Poker anyone?”

Ianto groaned, “There are two of them.”

The part started then, it was bit more lively than before. They played a few rounds of Black Jack before Rhys swept Gwen up and started dancing with her. Which caused John to approach Martha and ask ‘if he could have this dance’. At the same time Tosh glanced at Owen who shrugged and they paired up.

Ianto sighed and leaned back next to Jack, “Alright. This Party was a good idea.”

“Thank you for saying so.” Jack replied with a smile.

Ianto looked at his lover, “Dance with me.”

“As you wish.”

Ianto rolled his eyes, “You can stop with the ‘as you wish’es.”

“As you wish.”

The younger man growled in response.

Somehow dancing had turned to Gwen’s favorite game (apparently), Whose Your Last Snog.

Tosh blushed as she answered, “The man at the local Ikea.”

“Will?” Ianto asked as she nodded, “He’s a nice guy.”

“My turn?” John asked, taking another large drink from his bottle, “Are we including non-human life forms?”

“That’s what I asked last time!” Jack laughed.

The game was interrupted when Gwen’s phone rang. The group quieted as she answered it, “Gwen Cooper.” She paused and sighed, “Be right there Andy.”

“I’m coming with!” John yelled, jumping up and following them as they made their way to the SUV.

“The SUV won’t hold all of us.” Tosh pointed out.

“Rhys and I can stay here.” Martha said, “We’d be happy too.” Rhys nodded, he was having fun, surprisingly.

That night, after the group had gotten back from investigating the Weevil and finishing the party it was only Jack and Ianto left in the Hub, dancing close together. “Probably a good thing we didn’t have to go and catch the Weevil. Our outfits could have been ruined.” Jack ‘mhm’ed’ back, holding onto Ianto tighter. “Especially if you had died.”

Jack grinned, “Ah, but Ianto, death cannot stop true love; it can only delay it for a little while.”

Ianto laughed, “Well, I think I need a showing that this true love is real.”

Jack’s eyes grew clouded with love and lust, “As you wish.”

torchwoodoctorwho, over and over, fanfreakin'fiction

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