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Nov 23, 2008 13:51

it snowed! in glasgow! in november! we were dancing in some little student bar at glasgow university that reminded me of the khyber a bit and then i looked out the windows and it was snowing so i just danced around the window trying to get everyone outside so we could be in the snow rather than watching it and then finally we went out and had a snowball fight all the way to the oran mor. good times i tell you!

the month of november has spoiled me, entertainment wise. i've managed to see retribution gospel choir [well, some of their set...], sigur ros, one of the final five aces gigs [guy was playing their album at the research club last night!], low [and not just any low gig, a christmas concert], don caballero, tv on the radio, AND THE NOTWIST! i bought my ticket for the notwist the day after i arrived back in glasgow and have been highly anticipating the gig for over three months. not only did they not disappoint, they blew me away. i spent a lot of the show standing with my jaw dropped, amazed at what they were doing on stage. i thought it would be hard to top sigur ros. and then i thought it would be hard to top tv on the radio. and then i thought it would be hard to top low. but now i'm sure nothing i see anytime soon will top the notwist. so so awesome.

on friday i made my way to edinburgh to see MARY POPPINS [!!] with screwthepast. it was so great! mary even flew up over the audience right in front of us all the way up in the balcony. it was so much fun. also, alex and scott's new place is so frickin lovely. if a home could have cheeks i'd pinch them.

i haven't just been out being entertained though, i did some entertaining of my own! well, about 3 minutes worth at OMG glasgow! it's a comedy night that uniquefergus puts on where people read their childhood diaries / love letters / whatever cringeworthy material they've kept over the years. as soon as i heard about it i knew i had to read some excerpts from deardiaryxoleah. for some reason i was picturing about 10 or 15 people sitting in the corner of the offshore having a good laugh. instead, we walked into a packed cafe, with people standing at the back and everything. i've never done any sort of public speaking / acting / performance / speaking into a microphone that wasn't in a friends jamspace so i wanted to bail, but i grew a set of balls and got up there and did it! and people laughed and everything! it was a super fun night, and now far too many people in this city know i used to dream about all the boys from 90210.

in honour of OMG i was going to start posting on deardiaryxoleah again once i finished up all my papers and radio scripts for the semester, however on friday afternoon my power cord busted AGAIN. i just got a new one in august and this one has ripped apart and was sparking and totally fizzled out. so frustrating. i have a lot of radio work i need to do online [researching and listening to about 8439792237 radio programs and writing listening diary entries for them all] before the semester is through, and now i'll have to do most of it from the school library. one nice bit about the uni is that they loan out laptops to students, which is what i'm using right now. you can only keep them for 24 hours though [and they are strict to the minute - this one needs to be back to them by 4:09 this afternoon and not a minute later] and i can't borrow another one for another full 24 hours. i'm going to hopefully manage to get one every second day and do as much as i can on those nights.

school is okay. i'm not completely sold on the university itself. i have a couple great lecturers, but then i have some that should probably in the class themselves, not teaching it. i was told i'd have about 17 hours of class time each week. in actuality i have 7. it's making it really hard to justify spending £8500 each year on tuition. i'm not sure what i'm going to do next year. it's really frustrating. i spent 5 months of this year doing everything in my power to get back over here. i found a program i was excited to study and was so happy to be going back to school. now i'm here and doing it and i just don't know if it's worth it. ugh.

to fill my very empty schedule i'm taking a sign language course! i've been wanting to take one for years, but the timing was never right so i was thrilled to see a poster up at school for a course that was starting up. so far i know the alphabet, random common words, question words, foods, colours, and tomorrow we learn numbers and time. last night at the pub the two guys standing to my left while i was ordering were deaf and signing to each other but i couldn't figure out what the heck they were saying. maybe by april...

holy shit firefox just crashed and i thought i lost everything i'd just written. thank goodness for livejournal saving drafts. maybe i should post more often and not make ridiculous posts once every few months.

i'm home for christmas in a little over two weeks! i am SO excited. i don't think i've ever looked forward to going home this much since i moved away nine years ago. i guess spending the summer there made me get a bit attached and now it really feels far away. i'm home for four full weeks and i wish it could be more. my sister leaves for new zealand on new years eve, so it will be good to get a nice visit in with her before she heads to the other side of the world for a year.

annnnnnnnd! north of america are playing TWO gigs over christmas! tuesday night i had the pleasure of informing my flatmate that of montreal are playing here in january and she was freaking out for the rest of the night, then i woke up wednesday morning and found out that i get to see two norts gigs while i'm home and i was spazzing out for the rest of the morning. we are lucky,lucky ladies.

does anyone want to see new kids on the block with me in january? i'm serious.

i'm going to stop boring you now.

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