Jul 24, 2006 09:42
I’ve started receiving submissions already - which is fantastic! - and wanted to clarify a few things concerning submissions based off what I’ve received, as well as input I received through an entry on my personal journal.
In addition to the previously posted submissions guidelines, please keep the following in mind:
Please submit your best version of the story. While this is an edited zine, everything will run much smoother if you give your submissions to a beta before submitting it.
Stories will be edited, and we are more than happy to work with you if it is apparent you have gone through some sort of beta process before submitting your work. This is to both alleviate the pressure on the editors, but to show your seriousness at helping produce a quality zine.
All corrections suggested by the editors will be marked up with either highlighting or red text. It is the writer’s discretion as to include our suggestions.
Please remember that stories accepted to the zine cannot be published online or in another zine for one year.
While we would love to accept everyone’s work, some stories may be rejected for various reasons. We’re staying pretty open here as to what can be included, and like to think we’re fair.
Stories must equal 4 printed pages in order to receive a comp copy of the zine.
You may submit (2) stories if they are short in length.
Remember, this is supposed to be fun! I do hope all of you give it a shot and we look forward to working with each and every one of you!