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musicnextdoor April 28 2015, 06:18:27 UTC
30? No way; none of them look a day over 25!


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musicnextdoor April 28 2015, 16:45:00 UTC
maybe oranges fight wrinkles.

Thanks for the warning. :(


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musicnextdoor April 28 2015, 18:51:59 UTC
lol. I know. She looks like she was made in a leathercrafts class.

Nice icon. Harry approves:


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musicnextdoor April 28 2015, 20:03:46 UTC
Aw, I'm glad Harry helps you express yourself. He's kinda like your spirit animal, at least when you're feeling yikes-y.

Harry, circa May 2013?

Oh, yeah, the backward baseball cap. that's your thing, lol.


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musicnextdoor April 28 2015, 20:54:13 UTC
lol step 1 is recognizing the truth.

The endless supply of online photos of douchey guys with which to tease you at any given moment is one of my Favorite Things™ rn.


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musicnextdoor April 28 2015, 21:16:25 UTC
lmao so rude refreshingly honest

love that icon of Queen Naomi judging lessers lol


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