ineedthedramz wrote in ontdbb Jun 26, 2013 23:33
i have a child, enzo, chimagate, hoe_nasty, i'm tired of rumors starting, christian bale beat his mom, chima sucks, you're welcome, mod post, scientific study, sarcasticlastic investigates, diamond power of coup d'janie, chima, i swear on the bible, rigged, epic
bigbrostalin wrote in ontdbb Feb 18, 2013 18:28
bb12, enzo
tankmachine wrote in ontdbb Sep 26, 2012 00:51
enzo, tankmachine is gay and finally a mod, only frank in the world, dae yum yum
maybe_baby731 wrote in ontdbb Jul 05, 2012 20:34
kaysar, enzo, bb11, grodner, jeff, bb10, rachel, jessie, bb12, chatty natty, natalie, renny, bb2, ratress, dan, howie, red queen, bb6, daniele, will, regan, bb8, boogie, britney, evel dick, hagrid, poll