mindovermatter5 lahallucination blingringer jordandecker foreveryouknow mintzplasse baireoseu
Welcome to your immunity challenge! The final seven. You will be competing in a classic competition:
Face Smash
Jerri, Jeff
Natalie, Nadiya
Stephen, Coach
Tonight you will be presented with a series of Survivor castaways images. However, these images are a(n awful) hybrid of two different castaways from the same season combined to create one person! Some are cute...others...not so much. Your objective is to be the first person to correctly respond with both castaway's names and earn yourself a point. You do not have to use last names. In the event that it takes more than five minutes to guess any one mash, we will post which season it is from as a hint. The castaway with the most points at the end of 15 rounds will win immunity and find themselves safe from the vote at tribal council. One of the remaining six of you will become the next member of the jury.