Constitution Proposals (FS = figure skating federation)
1. Finland FS: Add Office Holders in the Organization of the ISU - xiii)Marketing Director and xiv) Public Relations and Communication Director
Council NOT in favor
2. Serbia: Only those representatives of Members may attend who have been duly nominated by Members.
Council NOT in favor
3. Canada FS: During the Congress any Member can request debate on to a specific change in the Technical Rules as proposed by the respective Technical Committee and approved by the Sports Directorate.
Reason: To allow any technical rule change to be debated using positive language, which should lead to less confusion in the voting process.
Council NOT in favor
4. Russia FS: Any objection put forward by a Member during the Congress to a change in the Technical Rules as proposed by the respective Technical Committee and approved by the respective Vice President Sports Directorate requires a second member to support the objection and subsequently a simple majority to become effective. Such objection may only propose not to accept the change, it cannot propose any amendment.
Council NOT in favor
5. USA FS: Term limits. Elected officials may serve for a maximum of three successive four-year terms.
Council IN favor, as long as each ISU office (president, VP, etc) is counted separately for term limits
6. Russia FS: Have the Technical Committees under the supervision of the corresponding Vice-President.
Council IN favor
7. Austria: The right to modify or the suspend of the applicability of any Rule has always been a privilege of the Members. The Members must be involved in the process and not just be informed of decisions taken by the Council.
Council NOT in favor , see proposal 9
8. Russia FS: The right to modify or suspend the applicability of any Rules is always a privilege of the Members. Only the Congress may take decisions on general aspects of ISU Rules and the Council should not have the power to change the decision of the Congress.
Council NOT in favor, see proposal 9
9. USA FS: Define what "exceptional circumstances" means when the Council acts alone to change Rules, etc. without the Congress' (and Members) approval/input.
Council IN favor, included in Restructuring proposal.
10. Russia FS: similar to proposal 6. Included in Restructuring proposal.
11. Serbia: stuff about the sports director...
12. USA FS: Singles and Pairs FS technical committee needs more members because they have more officials and events to oversee than Dance and Synchro committees.
Council NOT in favor
13. Italy: Within one Committee the members must be of different nationalities and ISU Members except for the Skater and/or Coach appointed who may have the same nationality as one of the elected Committee members.
Council IN favor
14. Canada FS: Only persons named in the current lists of ISU Referees, ISU Controllers or ISU Judges are eligible for election to the four positions in the Committees for Single and Pair Skating, Ice Dance or Synchronized Skating and then only in the respective branch;
Reason: To more formally allow the expertise of the technical panel to be reflected in the composition of the technical committee.
Council IN favor
15. Croatia FS: more stuff about who can be on technical committees. Council NOT in favor.
16. Russia FS: similar to proposal 6. Included in Restructuring proposal.
17. Canada FS: Include non-mathematical criteria when the Officials’ Assessment Commission (OAC) identifies Referee and Judging anomalies.
Council IN favor
18. Finland FS: Include decisions taken by Technical Panels in the OAC's work.
Council IN favor, see restructuring.
19. Serbia: restrict OAC membership to referees only.
Council NOT in favor, need judges in the OAC for figure skating.
20. USA speed: 21 day advanced notice of any rule changes for competitors.
Council NOT in favor
21. France: convene workshops outside of Congress meetings.
Council NOT in favor, new restructuring gets rid of workshops.
22. Serbia: Get rid of workshops. Too to attend.
Council IN favor, see restructuring.
23. Canada FS: Allow the financial report (item 15) to happen in advance of any consideration of proposals so that the financial reality of the union can be properly considered in the debate of proposals.
Council IN favor, see restructuring.
24. Canada FS: Allow any technical rule change to be debated using positive language, which should lead to less confusion in the voting process.
Council NOT in favor, new restructuring puts technical rule changes under the Council.
25. Russia FS: similar to proposal 6. Included in Restructuring proposal.
6. ISU: Add World Team Trophy (WTT) and Synchro Jr. World Challenge Cup to the list of official "ISU Events." This list already includes ISU Championships and the GP and JGP.
27. ISU: Members shall have the obligation to inform the ISU immediately in case that a Skater or official, who has taken part in international activities as an eligible person, becomes ineligible.
The ISU wants to get notice from the member (federations) is someone is ineligible/retired.
28. ISU: Trademarks - clarify that trademarks worn by skaters during official pre-competition warmups (i.e. the six minute warm up) are allowed and restricted based on Rule 102.
29. Finland FS: increase the number of allowed trademarks from 2 to 4 to increase sponsorship
Council IN favor
30. ISU: annual fees....
31. USA FS: TV rights - clarify TV rights for ISU events versus domestic events.
Council NOT in favor, likes the old wording better
32. France: Put federations in charge of overseeing internet gambling on events.
Council NOT in favor, does not want to get involved in betting activities
33. USA speed: Speed skating TV stuff.
34. Finland FS: change the name of the Synchro Jr. World Challenge Cup to the World Jr. Synchro Skating Champs.
Council NOT in favor, added this comp to ISU events.
35. ISU: Add language about Youth Olympic Games and WTT to Rule 107.
36. ISU: Eliminate Short track team worlds.
37. Finland FS: Only ISU sanctioned comps should be on ISU calendar. Only members (federations) can enter skaters in sanctioned comps.
Council NOT in favor, provision already in Rule 109.
38. France: have an ISU Syncro World Cup (novice, jr, sr) Series
Council NOT in favor
39. France: add a "juvenile" competition category.
Council NOT in favor
40. France: change wording about Adult comps.
Council NOT in favor
41. France: international comps for disabled skaters
Council NOT in favor, not their area of expertise
42. France: Age limits for figure skating. Change ages for novice, create ages for juvenile comps.
Council NOT in favor.
43. ISU: Age limits.
a) The word “Senior” is used in this Rule and in the ISU Statutes to describe participation in certain events/competitions that have a minimum age entry requirement of fifteen (15) years, determined in each instance by the birthday of the Skater that occurs before the July 1st immediately preceding the relevant competition.
b) “Senior” shall not be used in the title of any ISU Event. The official title of the ISU Event is that title stated in a specific ISU directive such as the ISU Communication announcing allotments by the Council, the relevant Memorandum, or the Official ISU Trade name and Trademark Guide.
For all ISU sport disciplines when a Junior of 15 years reached before July 1st, has competed twice in total in Senior events, even in different seasons, the Skater cannot compete any more in Junior events/competitions.
For the determination of the applicable two Senior events permitted the following applies: all Senior major events (ISU Championships, ISU Team Events, Olympic Winter Games) count each for one participation of the two max. permitted, but ISU Grand Prix Series and Final, ISU World Cup Speed Skating and ISU World Cup Short Track
Speed Skating, regardless of participation in more than one competition forming a series, shall be considered as one participation only.
For Pairs and Ice Dance the conditions above governing participation in Senior events and limiting return to Junior events are valid, but in case of change of partner the participation in previous Senior competition/s will not count.
Age limits for figure skating.
a) Senior
In ISU Senior Championships, ISU Senior Grand Prix of Figure Skating and Final, International Senior Competitions and the Olympic Winter Games only Skaters may compete who have reached the age of fifteen (15) before the July 1st immediately preceding the relevant event/competition. For exceptions see item c) of this paragraph.
b) Junior
i) A Junior is a Skater who has reached the age of thirteen (13) but not the age of eighteen (18) before the July 1st immediately preceding the relevant event/competition.
ii) In ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships and ISU Synchronized World Challenge Cup for Juniors, only Junior Skaters may compete who have reached the age of fourteen (14) but not the age of eighteen (18) before the July 1st immediately preceding the relevant event/competition.
iii) International Junior Competitions are open only to age-eligible Junior Skaters. Sub-groups are permitted with the approval of the Council.
c) Pair Skating and Ice Dance (Pairs and Couples)
What in this paragraph 3 related to these two sport disciplines, with the exception of the Novice category, becomes effective as of the season 2011/12 - for the season 2010/11 the age limits for Pair Skating and Ice Dance as per Rule 108, paragaraph 2 of the 2008 General Regulations apply.
Exclusively for Pairs and Couples the following special age Rule is applicable. Between two Skaters it is permitted a difference of age so that Skaters of thirteen or fourteen years can form a Pair or Couple with a Skater of eighteen or nineteen years (therefore no longer Junior). Provided they are qualified and entered by their Member according to ISU Rules, these Pairs/Couples can take part in any ISU Events and International Competitions with the exclusion of all Junior events/competitions, the Olympic Winter Games and YOG for which specific age limits are imposed.
d) Novice:
i) A Novice is a Skater who, before the July 1st immediately preceding the relevant competition, has reached the age of ten (10) but not the age of thirteen (13).
ii) In International Novice Competitions, subgroups are permitted with the approval of the Council.
iii) A Novice Skater in Pairs or Ice Dance may compete in a Junior Competition with a Junior partner if that partner is age-eligible to compete in the relevant competition as a Junior.
Synchro age limits are similar to the other FS limits.
5. Special Categories for All Disciplines
It is evident that some Skaters who reach the upper age limit for Juniors require further improvement (through training
and competition) to compete effectively with more seasoned Skaters.
Accordingly, Skaters of an age exceeding Junior age may be assigned to one of two Special Categories (SC) titled: SC1
and SC2. Such assignment is made by each Skater’s respective Member association if approved by the relevant ISU
Technical Committee.
It is foreseen that at national level elite Skaters of a Member aged 18, 19 will be assigned to SC1, those aged 20, 21, 22
to category SC2 and can take part in all International Competitions, ISU Events and Olympic Winter Games, provided they are qualified and entered by their Member/NOC according to the ISU/IOC Rules Age reached before the July 1st immediately preceding the relevant competition.
In Pairs and Ice Dance, Skaters of age for SC1 or SC2 can participate with a partner of Junior age in competitions open to the mentioned categories SC1 or SC2, but the Pair or Couple having one Junior Skater cannot skate in Junior competitions.
Organizers may organize events/competitions that permit all entered Skaters in categories SC1 and SC2 to compete with the other entered Skaters. The results for the Special Categories, however, may be separately reported for statistical purposes.
44. Russia FS: change senior age limit to 14 from 15 so the age limit is consistent across all international comps including ISU Champs.
Council NOT in favor, see new age rule proposal from ISU.
45. Russia FS: reduce upper junior ages from 19 to 18 in singles and from 21 to 19 for men in pairs/couples.
Council NOT in favor, see new age rule proposal from ISU.
46. Russia FS: Introduce international Novice age limits and comps.
Council NOT in favor, see new age rule proposal from ISU.
47. France: synchro age limits....
Council NOT in favor, see new age rule proposal from ISU.
The Council may also reject an application from a Member for a permission that a Skater who has or had foreign citizenship may compete for that Member, although the formalities and requirements stated in this rule have been met, if in the opinion of the Council granting such application would be contrary to the purpose and spirit of the rule. (E.g. in case that a Member tries to “import” several athletes with foreign citizenship , in particular when such athletes should form a new national team of such Member or its substantial part.)
Reason: Some Members, instead of educating their own Skaters, have repeatedly tried to "import" foreign Skaters and grant them in some kind of extraordinary and speedy proceeding citizenship of the country of that Member in order that the Member may be represented in international competitions and ISU Events.
Such actions are contrary to the purpose and spirit of rule 109 which is to make it possible for Skaters, who for serious and genuine reasons have to change their citizenship or permanent residence, to continue to compete.
49. France: Stop sending hard copies to the ISU of competition annoucements.
Council IN favor
50. Ice Dance TC: update language in Rule 112 to reflect the new Pattern Dance (replace CD) and Short Dance (replace OD).
Council IN favor
51. ISU: Implement consistent procedure for dealing with late entries.
52. France: Add wording to allow entrance fees for international competitions that are not ISU events.
Council IN favor, but change ISU events to ISU champs
53. Finland FS: keep close relatives for serving technical/judging roles for the same segment of a competition.
Council NOT in favor, already sufficient wording in Rule 121
54. USA FS: conflict of interests for ISU office holders... ISU Council will further evaluate this.
55. Ice Dance TC: update language in Rule 123 to reflect the new Pattern Dance (replace CD) and Short Dance (replace OD).
Council IN favor
56. France: similar to proposal 49. Council IN favor.
57. ISU: about announcement copies.
58. ISU (Drafting Matter): OAC members at a FS championship are appointed by the ISU President.
59. Japan: In World Junior Figure Skating Championships the only Skaters who did not participate in European Championships or Four Continents Championships in relevant ISU skating season are eligible to compete. Too much stress to do both.
Council NOT in favor. See age limits to restrict Junior/Senior overlap.
60. ISU: Make sure that skaters have cleared the internet rights as well for their program music and choreo (in addition to performance and TV rights).
61. Finland speed/FS: competition declaration form changes.
Council IN favor
62. ISU (Drafting Matter): speed skating stuff.
63. ISU: Award of Medals.
Synchro medals at Worlds only for skaters who participated in at least one segment of competition.
Get rid of "small" medals at ISU figure skating championships.
64. Ice Dance TC: more short dance rewording stuff for award of medals.
Council is getting rid of small medals so it does not matter.
65. France and 66. Japan: more hard copies of results issues.
67. ISU: Competition Expenses. Make changes from Communication 1562 and improve wording.
68. Russia FS: Extend how long expenses are covered for Officials at competitions so they can improve their expertise by seeing other events.
Council NOT in favor
69: Russia FS: competitor expenses, let all competitor expenses be paid through the exhibition.
Council NOT in favor
70. ISU: manage judges expenses, limit number of nominated judges to 3 from each member.
161. France: the required elements and the Scales of Values should be both included in the same Technical Rule.
162. ISU: Random draw for JGPF judges, from Communication 1535.
163. Austria FS: Eliminate random draw of judges, use the marks of all judges on the panel.
164. Canada FS: Remove secret-random draw process from the selection of judges.
165. Russia FS: Have 9 judges on panel plus one substitute. Have all 9 scores count, but maintain anonymity of judges.
166. USA FS: Allow all judges scores to count after a trim of the high and low score. Require 12 judges and one substitute judge at major competitions.
167. Ice Dance TC: Update language with Pattern Dance (prescribed dance) and Short Dance (prescribed rhythm). The Short Dance and Free Dance must be included in all ISU Championships, the Olympic Winter Games and in ISU Grand Prix events (Senior and Junior). Separate International Senior Competitions in Free Dance only may be organized.
168. France: similar to 161.
169. France: similar to 167.
170. Ice Dance TC: update names of dances.
171. Ice Dance TC: Composition of Ice Dance events.
ISU Championships, Olympics, and ISU Grand Prix (Senior and Junior) dance events shall consist of Short Dance and Free Dance
International Competitions in Ice Dance shall consist of:
* Short Dance and Free Dance,
* Pattern Dance and Free Dance, or
* Free Dance (Senior only).
172. Canada FS: similar to 171, but includes that Junior events be a CD and a FD.
While we completely agree with the position for the Senior level (and have advocated such for many years) this proposal will allow compulsory dances continue to play a vital and viable competition role for developmental ice dancers.
173. France: Same as Canada 172.
174. Tech Committee (TC): add exception for technical specialists.
175. Tech Comm: Require Senior and Junior Grand Prix Final and Olympic Qualifying Competition judges to be ISU judges.
176. Canada FS: modify rule language in preparation of elimination of secret-random judges scores draw.
177., 178., 179., 180., and 181. Ice Dance TC: add new dances to rules.
182. Canada FS: Clarify how the trimmed mean for judges scores is calculated.
183. SPS (single and pairs skating) TC: Jump combinations are evaluated as one unit by adding the base values of the jumps included, multiplying the result by 1.1 and after that applying the GOE with the numerical value of the most difficult jump.
Reason: to give more credit to jump combinations which are more difficult than the included jumps in isolation.
184. SPS, Ice Dance, Synchro TC: Delete bonus in Rule 353 (An innovative element, movement or transition may be granted with a special bonus of two (2) points. This bonus can only be obtained once for a program) because it has never been used up to now.
Also to have the same values for Combination Lift as for the two Short Lifts in Ice Dance.
185., 186., 187., and 188. Denmark/Finland/Norway/Sweden: multiply base values (not GOE) of jumps/throws/lifts after 2 minutes (2 min 20 sec for pairs) in the short program by 1.1
Wow, there are 134 proposals to go.
189. ISU: Change the deduction for costume and prop violations as follows:
- costume and prop violation - 3.0 per violation; (singles and pairs)
Add the deduction for music violation and change the deduction for costume and prop violations as follows (ice dance)
- violation of music restrictions (Free Dance) - 3.0;
- costume and prop violation - 3.0;
- part of the costume/decoration fall on the ice - 1.0
Reason: to avoid to draw the public’s attraction more towards the costume than the performance, to stay within a proper sport character; the increase of deductions should reflect the severity of violation.
190. SPS TC: Delete the following from Rule 353 1 m ii:
- deduction of -2.0 will be applied when appropriate in case of a fresh start (see Rule 551);
Reason: though the goal of applying this deduction is quite fair, a decision to stop competitor(s) which will be followed by a serious deduction, seems a too big pressure on the Referees; the Judges however will be advised that a “fresh start” might negatively influence the Components scores.
191. Italy: remove the 1.0 point vocal music deduction for singles and pairs.
Vocal music is not allowed so why deduct for using it, inconsistent.
192. Ice Dance TC: Program Component Factors for Ice Dance
i) The panel’s points for each Program Component are then multiplied by factors which are as follows:
Pattern Dance
* Skating Skills 0.75
* Performance 0.50
* Interpretation 0.50
* Timing 0.75
Short Dance
* Skating Skills 0.80
* Transitions/Linking Footwork/Movements 0.80 0.70
* Performance/Execution 0.60 0.70
* Composition/Choreography 0.60 0.80
* Interpretation/Timing 1.00
Free Dance - not changed.
193. Ice Dance TC: new dance language change.
194. France: For the Original and Free Dance only: if a stumble or fall causes in case interruptions to the program due to one or both partners’ mistake that exceed 5 seconds, an additional deduction will be applied as follows:
-1.0 (for 6-15 seconds interruption) and -2.0 (for 16-30 seconds interruption)
Reason: interruptions by the Skaters’ mistake can be caused by other reasons than stumble or fall.
195. Ice Dance TC: new dance language change.
196. USA FS: Factored segment scores rounded to two decimal places before calculation continues.
197. Ice Dance TC: new dance language change.
198. ISU: Clarification of placements and results publication in the case of withdrawals and disqualifications between competition segments.
199. ISU Council: Clarify tie-breaking rules using wording from Communication 1535.
200. Ice Dance TC: new dance language change.
201. France: move from hard to electronic copies.
202. Japan: move from hard to electronic copies.
203. Ice Dance TC: If possible, ISU Ice Dance Championships should be completed within a maximum period of four (4) three (3) consecutive days.
204. Canada FS: same as 203.
Minimum qualifying scores are introduced. Members (federations) can enter at least one competitor per discipline provided that they have met the minimum qualifying score.
Minimum Qualifying Scores
To be entered into and participate in the Championships/Qualifying Round of a Senior ISU Championships a Competitor must have reached in an ISU recognized International Competition during the ongoing or immediately preceeding season the applicable minimum Total Result Scores (points). The applicable minimum Total Result Scores shall be decided for each season by the ISU Council based on a joint proposal from the respective Technical Committee and the Sports Directorate and shall be published in an ISU Communication. No Minimum Score is required for the ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships.
Please note that the applicable Minimum Total Result Scores for results obtained during the season 2009/10 will be as follows:
Men: 40 (SP), 70 (FS)
Ladies: 30 (SP), 50 (FS)
Pair Skating: 35 (SP), 60 (FS)
Ice Dance: 20 (CD), 35 (OD), 55 (FD) or 35 (SD) and 55 (FD)
Competitors can be entered directly into the first segment of the competition or into the Qualifying Round (QR).
Total Number of Entries into each Competition Segment
Euros and 4CCs:
Singles: 28 (first segment) = 18 (direct entries) + 10 (QR)
Pairs: 18 (first segment) = 12 (direct entries) + 6 (QR)
Ice Dance: 20 (first segment) = 12 (direct entries) + 8 (QR)
Worlds and Jr. Worlds:
Singles: 30 (first segment) = 18 (direct entries) + 12 (QR)
Pairs: 20 (first segment) = 12 (direct entries) + 8 (QR)
Ice Dance: 25 (first segment) = 15 (direct entries) + 10 (QR)
* In the case that the number of total Competitors subject to be entered into a Championships, either directly or through a Qualifying Round exceeds this quota only by 2 Competitors, the President has the right to cancel such Qualifying Round for the respective discipline and to increase the number of total entries into the first segment of the Championships by 2 Competitors. (applies for all ISU Championships)
In case some of the Members do not use their full quota of Direct entries, the resulting open Direct entries will be replaced by Qualifying Round entries by increasing the number of Qualifying Round entries. (for Jr. Worlds and Worlds).
Overall Entry Quotas
Members who have participated in the immediately preceding season in the corresponding discipline (Men, Ladies, Pair Skating, Ice Dance) of the same Championship shall accumulate points equal to the sum of placements of their Competitors who were entered in this preceding season’s Championships.
The point system remains the same as currently used to determine spots (entry quotas) for Euros and Worlds. 4CC is still open entry (no quota, max 3 per member).
Direct Entries
Members are listed in the order of their best placed participant in the corresponding discipline of
the preceding season’s same Championships.
From the Overall Entry Quota a Member gets as many Direct entries as the number of this Member’s Skaters in the top 18 places for Singles, top 12 places for Pairs and top 15 places
for Ice Dance in the corresponding discipline of the preceding season’s same Championships.
In case the number of Direct Entries obtained this way is less than required, the next listed Member(s) obtain the right for Direct entry until the required number of entries is reached.
For these Direct entries, the respective Members may decide upon the entries by name at their discretion provided the entered Competitor(s) have reached the Minimum Scores as per paragraph 3. above.
Qualifying Round
Competitors competing in the Qualifying Round and succeeding to earn an entry into the first segment of the Championships, are entitled to skate the first segment of the Championships. In case of withdrawal/disqualification, the corresponding entry into the first segment cannot be transferred to another Competitor of the Member.
The Qualifying Rounds include only the Free Skating, respectively the Free Dance.
The Qualifying Rounds will be skated at least one day prior to the first competition day of the respective Championships in the same venue as the Championships.
However, the expenses for travel, board and lodging of participants in the Qualifying
Rounds are at the expense of the participating Members.
The draw for the starting order in the Qualifying Round will be made according to Rule 579, respectively 635.
Scores (Points) achieved at the Qualifying Round shall not be considered for the Final.
Disposed Entries
In case a Member disposes of Direct entries as well as Qualifying Round entries in a Championships/discipline, the Competitors ranked higher in the ISU World Standings (at time of making the entry) must be given preference for the Direct entries. The Competitor(s) ranked lower in the ISU World Standings must be entered into the Qualifying Round.
(^ I am not sure I understand this...I think they are trying to say that if for example Russia has 3 pairs spots but only 2 direct entries the top 2 ISU-ranked pairs get the direct entries and the lower ranked pair has to go to the QR.
Or are they talking about if someone gives up a direct entry and who it goes to?. I don't get how they are using "dispose" here...)
Host Member Rule
If the competitor(s) of the host member did not qualify for the first segment (SP, SD) during the QR, one competitor of the Host Member shall have the right to additionally enter and participate in each discipline provided they meet the minimum score requirements.
Reason: The increasingly high number of entries in ISU Championships constitutes a serious challenge and threat, both to the organizing ISU Members and the ISU. It results in high expenses and has already threatened the appropriate financial funding and consequently organization and conduct of ISU Championships. It furthermore makes it basically impossible to stage attractive Championships with high quality skating and a reasonable duration which nowadays is crucial for live TV telecast and for attracting the public on site.
The Council and Techical Committees have prepared this proposal taking into account that the ISU Championships are the highest level ISU Events. As such, Championships should be open to Competitors of an adequate level only and consequently guaranty to remain an attractive product for the media and the public which is the basis to generate the needed ISU incomes. Such incomes are the necessary basis to maintain the ISU activity thanks to generous ISU financial support.
The Council furthermore took into account that the ISU is giving substantial financial support to other ISU Events, such as the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating and ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating where lower level competitors have a chance to compete internationally at favourable financial conditions.
Through the introduction of Qualifying Rounds before and at the site of the Championships for lower level Competitors and the reduction of entries into the actual Championships, the financial burden of the Championships organizing Members becomes more reasonable. All Members, also those with lower level Skaters, have a possibility to be on site of the Championships at a certain expense and possibly qualify their Competitors for the actual Championships.
206. Canada FS: new dance language changes.
207, 208, and 209. Denmark/Finland/Sweden: All Skaters entered for ISU Championships must have participated in at least one International junior or senior competition on the ISU list during the 24 months preceding the Championships.
210. Tech Comms: technical specialist rules.
211. ISU: Eliminate small medals in ISU Championships.
212. Ice Dance TC: new dance language changes.
213. Austria FS: In view of the fact that the number of entries to the Olympic Games is limited, the qualification should be based on the names of the competitors, who actually placed within the top 24 in singles and 16 in pairs and 19 in dance at the previous World Championships and not the country. The right to participate in the Olympics should be privilege of the athletes and not their Member Associations.
214. SPS and Ice Dance TC: technical specialist rules.
215. ISU: Judges Panels for the Olympics: 9 judges per segment. From Communication 1535.
216. Austria FS: The panels of judges for the Olympic Games should consist of judges whose Members actually have a
Skater qualified for the Olympic Games.
217. Canada FS: 13 judges for the Olympics, plus one alternate. Remove secret-random scores draw.
218. Russia FS: Another Olympics judges draw proposal.
219. USA FS: 12 judges for the Olympics, plus one alternate.
220. SPS and Ice Dance TC: Olympics judges must have judged at least twice at ISU Championships or Olympics Qualifying Competition. Experienced judges for Olympics.
221. USA FS: Allow all Olympics judges' scores to count after a trim of high and low score.
222. and 223. Ice Dance TC: new dance language changes.
224. Tech Comms: Referee AND the judges panel decide on costume, prop, and music violations (majority rule, referee double weighted). Want to avoid decisions taken by one person whenever possible.
ok this is getting boring.
I am going to skip past the boring judges stuff.
258. ISU: Improved assessment of judges/technical panel. (It's really long, but if you care about it you can read it
Technical Rules for Single and Pairs Skating (more fun
266. SPS TC: New Rule 510 - Required Elements.
Half-loop when used in combinations/sequences is considered as a listed jump with the Value of a Loop.
Reason: to increase the variety of difficult three-jump-combinations.
267. SPS TC: A difficult change of position counts as a difficult spin variation. Also, to delete the requirements to the sit position that will be fulfilled automatically with the upper part of the skating leg parallel to the ice or even directed “upwards”; not to count as a new position simple upright spins even with more than 3 revolutions; also clarifications.
268: SPS TC: Allow solo 3A or 2A in Senior Ladies SP. Reduce number of elements in SP. One step sequence in the Senior/Jr SP for men. Spiral sequence not a required element for senior/Jr ladies SP.
269: SPS TC: Can't repeat a quad jump in the Men's SP (can't do 2 4T). Can't repeat 3A in the senior ladies SP or mens SP.
Any type of flying spin is permitted with landing position different than in the Spin in one position.
Step sequences may include any unlisted jumps.
Though a spiral sequence is no longer an element of the Ladies Short Program, the execution of Spirals will be rewarded in “Transitions”.
270. SPS TC: new Rule 512. Free Skating.
For Senior Men the second (in the order of execution) step sequence will always be awarded a fixed Base Value and evaluated by Judges in GOE only. This sequence can have any pattern while fully utilizing the ice surface.
There must be at least two (2) spiral positions not less than three (3) seconds long each or only one (1) spiral position not less than six (6) seconds long. In case this requirement is not fulfilled, the spiral sequence will have no value. The Spiral Sequence will always be awarded a fixed Base Value and evaluated by Judges in GOE only.
271. SPS TC: new rule 519. Pairs skating. No changes here actually.
272. SPS TC: new rule 520. Short Program, Pairs. Reduced to 7 required elements for Jr and Senior. No more pairs spiral sequences required.
273. SPS TC: Though a spiral sequence is no longer an element of the Pairs Short Program, the execution of Spirals will be rewarded in “Transitions”.
274. SPS TC: Pairs Free Skate. For Seniors the death spiral of Free Skating must be of a different type than the death spiral of the Short Program. No more than 1 spiral sequence.
The jump combination may consist of two (2) or three (3) jumps.
There must be at least two (2) spiral positions of each partner three (3) seconds long each. In case this requirement is not fulfilled, the spiral sequence will have no value.
The Spiral Sequence will always be awarded a fixed Base Value and evaluated by Judges in GOE only.
275. SPS TC: 1.1 factor for jump combinations.
276. SPS TC: illegal elements called Level 1 (if they meet the requirements) or no level and the illegal element deduction will apply. This is less severe on skaters.
277. SPS TC: housekeeping.
278. ISU: Rule 548. Clarify the procedure in case of withdrawal and/or disqualification in between segments. From Communication 1596.
279. ISU: ISU Championship Draws.
Qualifying for the free skate:
Euros and 4CCs:
Singles: top 18
Pairs: top 12
Worlds and Jr. Worlds:
Singles: top 20
Pairs: top 16
Some macros for some proposals. PART TWO