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bananrama February 9 2014, 11:18:02 UTC
Javi & Pedro (@hieloespanol, the only Spanish journalist who actually knows what a figureskate is) both said this article is bullshit and a complete misrepresentation of what Javi actually said to the press.


verses February 9 2014, 12:53:38 UTC
So what is he claiming he said, then?


parcferme February 9 2014, 12:55:38 UTC
interesting...did they clarify his statements then?
on the one hand, I want to believe that. on the other...well people always backpeddle after they get criticized.


verses February 9 2014, 12:58:47 UTC
From that journalist's twitter, it sounds like he's saying just because Javi agrees that gays should lie low doesn't mean he agrees with Putin's policies, or something. He doesn't seem to get that saying gays should shut up and be silent in the face of oppression is offensive. I really question that El Mundo would lie about this... It wouldn't exactly be scandalous to Spaniards for Javi to say what he (allegedly) did.


parcferme February 9 2014, 13:32:27 UTC
He doesn't seem to get that saying gays should shut up and be silent in the face of oppression is offensive.

hmmm yeah that makes sense, he always struck me as a bit of a dumb jock.


verses February 9 2014, 13:40:25 UTC
It seems less violently homophobic and more "ew, why do they have to kiss in public? why do they have to drag their sex lives into our faces?" Which is better than trying to kill someone, obviously, but it's also very ignorant and dismissive and hurtful. I'm disappointed, but not surprised.


ellesare February 11 2014, 00:15:15 UTC
i think that's a stretch. if there's a safety concern, i think it's sensible to do the job you were sent to do and then return to normal life afterwards. it's what i would do.


verses February 11 2014, 00:18:10 UTC
That's not the place of a straight person (Javi) to tell gay people to do. There would be no gay rights at all if gays always shut up in hostile environments.


ellesare February 11 2014, 00:24:10 UTC
i don't think javi was telling anyone to do anything.

the notion that foreigners competing at the olympics should have any say in how russian people deal with their government is absurd.


verses February 11 2014, 00:28:21 UTC
Saying "it's better for homosexuals to lie low" as a public figure is absolutely sending that message.

Uh, that's not the issue. We're talking about whether a foreigner has to hide their sexuality at the Olympics. Which is against the Olympic charter.


ludmi_83 February 9 2014, 21:00:10 UTC
How is a misrepresentation of what he say when the articule is from a very well know spanish newspaper and site?!?!?!


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