Gay rights groups in Spain criticised the country's flagbearer, the men's figure-skater Javier Fernández, before yesterday's opening ceremony after the two-time European champion said gay people should "lie low" during the Games. In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Fernández said: "The Games are about sport and not politics. I have my opinions and I don't get involved in what others think, but I think whether we like it or not, we have to respect the laws of the countries we visit. It's not such a big dilemma. It's better that homosexuals lie low a bit during the Games and then afterwards they can get on with their lives."
source original Spanish interview sorry my high school Spanish isn't good enough to translate it for _skating, but he doesn't really say anything else interesting
I think I'll be paying close attention to Borser's demeanor in the kiss & cry.