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bananrama November 28 2011, 20:40:45 UTC
Mark sort of did the dance move in the gala for us & we got some people in the stand opposite doing it as well - next year, the whole arena will~


mirror_hands November 28 2011, 20:52:44 UTC
plotting world domination


katiz November 28 2011, 21:22:52 UTC
it wasn't just "some". it was three different groups of people. in total about 20 strangers.
next year the finale will actually be choreographed. and it will be that dance. ~some of them know it already. it's not hard.


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mirror_hands November 28 2011, 22:32:11 UTC
hahaha she's one of our friends, she danced like crazy during the ice-dance podium, but not in the pairs' podium (the one of the gif)


mirror_hands November 28 2011, 20:52:28 UTC
I HAD to mention the short curls thing, lol it was killing me


crossthefingers November 28 2011, 21:52:50 UTC
It was brilliant because it made his :/ face talking of 4CC last year turn to a :D He got so many facebook and twitter comments last year when he cut his hair that he HAS to know that everyone likes it long and curly.


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