Shizuka and Daisuke's blogs about recent events.

Mar 15, 2011 03:14

Shizuka's blog

(redgreendress apologises for any [translation] mistakes, she is not fluent yet, and this is a rough translation made in a hurry etc.)


I'm stunned by this unprecedented earthquake in eastern Japan. Each second that passes and more news about the extent of the damage comes to light, I feel my heart breaking a little more.

Miyagi is where I was raised and where many of my close friends and acquaintances are. Ever since the earthquake hit I've felt again and again a moment of relief every time another person contacted me, only to begin feeling uneasy again as the days passed and more reports about the seriousness of the situation, the number of people who haven't been able to feel even that precious moment of relief, came to my attention. Still, it has not been all sadness and tragedy. Just when we thought the situation was desperate, we had many news of rescues and happy reunions, people who were already starting to rebuild their destroyed towns and homes, rescue teams not only from Japan but from other nations coming to our aid, and suddenly our hearts are filled with the hope of restoration.

I want to express my condolences to everyone who fell victim to this great tragedy, my best wishes to the injured and all of my respect to everyone who is still searching for life in the wreckage. I pray for a good resolution.

It is not an easy thing to be facing the current circumstances, but I think we should look at each day as being one step closer to a better future. Let us all value each of those days.

from Shizuka

Translation by redgreendress


Daisuke's blog


I was informed that the World Figure Skating Championship is cancelled. [Note: It is NOT cancelled yet.] The member of the team D1sk and I would offer a deepest sympathy for those who lost their lives, and pray for the people suffering from this unprecedented catastrphy. At the same time, we sincerely respect the rescue team who's working all night long to cope with the situation without a sleep.

I understood that the skating fans might worry about the situation regarding the World Figure Skating Championship 2011 but officials at ISU as well as JSF are working on the situation. What I can do at this moment is to continue practicing and to monitor the situation.

In addition, what I think most important is each one of you to share a sympathy and that might create a large single power that you might not be able to make it alone. I am hoping that our merged thoughts can make the things go through at this difficult time.

Daisuke Takahashi

Translation by Daisuke's English twitter

;___; <3 them both. Keep sending positive thoughts to Japan, everyone. Every little bit helps.

More statements from Team Japan here.

srs bsns, dai-sha fierce, icy heart shizuka

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