Huckabee Tells CPAC: Abortions are Responsible for Bad Economy

Feb 11, 2012 14:10

At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), as all of the major Republican candidates (except Ron Paul, who won last year’s CPAC straw poll) lined up to out-conservative each other later today the President of Citizens United introduced Mike Huckabee to the audience. The Conference meets annually to discuss conservative issues and in ( Read more... )

mike huckabee, barack obama, abortion

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cherrylng February 11 2012, 17:16:41 UTC
Sometimes I just don't understand of the bad rap abortions received. It's not bad as long as you know both its good and bad uses. You can't possibly tell a woman who is not ready to care for a baby or might be in danger of her health that abortions are *~evil~*. It's her goddamn choice if she wants to keep it inside of her or not.


kangofu February 11 2012, 17:35:11 UTC
The problem is women taking charge of their body.


cherrylng February 11 2012, 17:38:01 UTC
If a woman is allowed to take charge of her body, that means she knows what's the right and/or wrong choice based on her own decisions.

That's why I also hate the pro-life and pro-choice stance. It's as if you can only choose one side only and you can't change on where you stand.


anolinde February 11 2012, 17:41:18 UTC
That's why I also hate the pro-life and pro-choice stance. It's as if you can only choose one side only and you can't change on where you stand.

idk... I see pro-choice as fairly all-encompassing. You don't have to opt for an abortion yourself; hell, you don't even have to think it's moral. But as long as you recognize that that's your personal choice, and that other women have the right to make their own choices, it's all good.


layweed February 11 2012, 17:56:54 UTC
That's how I see it. Being pro-choice doesn't necessarily mean you're for or against abortion. It's about not pushing your own personal beliefs on others, letting them decide what is best for themselves, etc.


missmurchison February 11 2012, 18:45:56 UTC
Exactly. Pro-choice also defends the right to have a child. If you let the government tell you that you must have a child, by extension you're granting it the right to perform forced sterilizations, for instance.


(The comment has been removed)

meran_flash February 12 2012, 08:01:27 UTC
Excuse me?


keeperofthekeys February 11 2012, 18:32:29 UTC
Wut. Being pro-choice isn't about choosing abortions. It's about women having the freedom to chose to get an abortion or not.


roseofjuly February 11 2012, 22:30:56 UTC
Uh...that's pretty much true. If you're pro-choice you support the right of all people with uteruses to *choose* whether or not they want an abortion, and to support access to a safe and affordable one. If you're pro-life, you want to dictate to people what to do with their bodies. Everyone should only choose the pro-choice side and not change where they stand.


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