Huckabee Tells CPAC: Abortions are Responsible for Bad Economy

Feb 11, 2012 14:10

At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), as all of the major Republican candidates (except Ron Paul, who won last year’s CPAC straw poll) lined up to out-conservative each other later today the President of Citizens United introduced Mike Huckabee to the audience. The Conference meets annually to discuss conservative issues and in many ways sets the tone for whatever hot-button wedge issues Republicans should be overreacting to.

While speaking Huckabee sarcastically “thanked” Obama for the fake and contrived “war on religion” that conservatives have latched onto in recent weeks. He explained his gratitude to the President was due to the fact that nothing had united the Republican Party as much as the perceived injustice towards employees who apparently want to have health insurance coverage that only covers procedures their employers agree with. He told the conservative crowd that Obamacare was a direct assault on Christianity, because it gives people access to health insurance that would cover contraceptives, which is not supported by businesses owned by the Catholic Church. He then continued to give what sounded like a sermon, explaining why he was political because he was prolife and not the reverse.

The former governor and Fox News superstar went on to explain that any candidate that did not support the prolife point of view did not care about anyone, and therefore was not fit to lead. He then went on to make the case that our economy was not actually in ruins because of the housing bubble, nor the deregulation of the banks, but that our economic woes and the housing bubble itself was due to some having a prochoice position. The logic seemed to flow as follows: If a political leader is Prochoice, they don’t care about anyone, therefore society at large does not care about each other which lead to businesses not caring about their employees, and ultimately to Americans losing their job.

Citing the bible to ridicule everything from health insurance coverage to paying income tax, the crowd seemed to enthusiastically agree with Mike Huckabee’s view that our government should be dictated by their religious beliefs, and to not do so is a violation of their first amendment rights.


mike huckabee, barack obama, abortion

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