Nov 13, 2011 10:18

Info posts may contain triggering elements, so please be mindful of the topic and read at your own discretion.

SPECIFIC TRIGGER WARNINGS: suicide, depression, abuse
IMAGE CONTENT: Nothing graphic, just a few stock photos of kids looking lonelyThese posts are a "safe space" to ask questions you might otherwise be too shy to. Please do not reply to ( Read more... )

mental health / illness, suicide, *trigger warning: abuse, !mod post, bullying

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Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 13 2011, 18:19:55 UTC
I’m still a bit overwhelmed trying to organize the last suggestion thread, but…

Topic Suggestions Needed For

Confusing international political topics/issues you’d like to see clarified, explained, or highlighted
Racial/sociological minorities in worldwide cultures
Lesbian community-specific topics/issues
Gay community-specific topics/issues
Bisexual community-specific topics/issues
Trans community-specific topics/issues
Intersex community-specific topics/issues
Any issues pertaining to the queer community that you think need more attention
Topics/issues about the chronically ill, disabled, etc.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS fenris_lorsrai November 13 2011, 18:32:30 UTC
On international topics, we could probably do an entire post just on agriculture, food aid, and famines since they're all tied together.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS origamicage November 13 2011, 18:47:40 UTC
Are you still going to do something for Autism? it doesn't quite fit in with 'mentally ill'.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 13 2011, 18:52:26 UTC
Yes. All of the suggestions from the last post will be considered and either grouped or made into their own posts. Autism will be getting its own post (and in case anyone else is reading this, Asperger's will likely get its own post also).


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS origamicage November 13 2011, 18:54:43 UTC
They are grouping together Autism and Aspergers in the next DSM. I honestly think they should be in the same post, separating them, to me, is kind of saying that Aspergers is 'better than' autism, if that makes sense?


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 13 2011, 19:02:02 UTC
I get what you mean. I was originally going to combine them (to make room for more topics) but someone else asked me to separate them so..... hopefully more people will chime in with their thoughts.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS origamicage November 13 2011, 19:07:30 UTC
Huh, weird. I'm part of the autistic community on tumblr and it's sort of seen as 'aspie supremacy'. I am Aspergers as well, but I agree with them. Even my little brother (also aspie) says he doesn't want the DSM to combine them because he 'isn't as bad and stupid' as non-aspies. I thought that was rather insulting.

I honestly don't see a very good reason to separate them. They are part of a spectrum.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 13 2011, 21:05:16 UTC
Putting them in the same post isn't a problem.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS bluetooth16 November 14 2011, 02:19:39 UTC
I think combining them in one post is a better approach. Most of the resources in the links would address the entire autism spectrum (which is what the DSM is moving towards anyway).

As long as you don't include anything from Autism Speaks, you should be fine.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS fenris_lorsrai November 14 2011, 03:15:35 UTC
I'd also go for combining them as they share sufficient commonalities that if people don't KNOW firmly which of the two someone has, the info will still be equally useful.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS donalbain_ November 13 2011, 19:35:21 UTC
Financial/legal literacy, or how to live by yourself and all that other shit about being an adult nobody warned you would bite you in the ass (rent contracts, etc.)


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS kitschaster November 13 2011, 20:29:10 UTC
This is a great one. I've been living on my own with my guy since 2010 now, and nobody tells how how, as a renter, you have absolutely no rights when you sign a rent contract, and that you should NEVER put somebody else on your lease who you don't know, or who may even have the slightest chance of fucking you over (something I'm experiencing right now with a roommate who has a history of theft and drug abuse, and how he walked out, with the key to our apartment, on the rent without signing off the lease). That shit is really frightening.

Especially paying all the other bills you never thought you'd have. Or how your car breaks down whenever you have a little surplus of monies.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS donalbain_ November 13 2011, 20:38:54 UTC
I'd be willing to help write it if need be. Honestly, the only thing useful I got out of my finance degree was the knowledge of how badly financial institutions want to squeeze every penny out of their poorest customers.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS kitschaster November 13 2011, 20:42:41 UTC
God if that isn't the truth. I have a new sort of LARP friend now studying economics, and I feel like that's basically what he's getting out of his degree. How people screw poor people over, and how it's just going to continue down that road until we implode.

I'd love to see this post.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS donalbain_ November 13 2011, 21:01:44 UTC
Yep. I spent the last semester sitting in my finance classes silently FUMING at what was being taught (propaganda about why it makes ~perfect sense~ to dismantle unions and charge the poorest customers more interest and fees.) Needless to say I was delighted to graduate.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS emmaraikou November 13 2011, 21:23:04 UTC
I second this!


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