Nov 13, 2011 10:18

Info posts may contain triggering elements, so please be mindful of the topic and read at your own discretion.

SPECIFIC TRIGGER WARNINGS: suicide, depression, abuse
IMAGE CONTENT: Nothing graphic, just a few stock photos of kids looking lonelyThese posts are a "safe space" to ask questions you might otherwise be too shy to. Please do not reply to ( Read more... )

mental health / illness, suicide, *trigger warning: abuse, !mod post, bullying

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Comments 254

Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 13 2011, 18:19:55 UTC
I’m still a bit overwhelmed trying to organize the last suggestion thread, but…

Topic Suggestions Needed For

Confusing international political topics/issues you’d like to see clarified, explained, or highlighted
Racial/sociological minorities in worldwide cultures
Lesbian community-specific topics/issues
Gay community-specific topics/issues
Bisexual community-specific topics/issues
Trans community-specific topics/issues
Intersex community-specific topics/issues
Any issues pertaining to the queer community that you think need more attention
Topics/issues about the chronically ill, disabled, etc.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS fenris_lorsrai November 13 2011, 18:32:30 UTC
On international topics, we could probably do an entire post just on agriculture, food aid, and famines since they're all tied together.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS origamicage November 13 2011, 18:47:40 UTC
Are you still going to do something for Autism? it doesn't quite fit in with 'mentally ill'.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 13 2011, 18:52:26 UTC
Yes. All of the suggestions from the last post will be considered and either grouped or made into their own posts. Autism will be getting its own post (and in case anyone else is reading this, Asperger's will likely get its own post also).


INTERNATIONAL RESOURCE THREAD lickety_split November 13 2011, 18:20:28 UTC
If you have any foreign language/international resource links, please post them here.

Message: Please provide legitimate links along with a brief description. Do not post trollish links in this thread or I will come at you.


wicked_g November 13 2011, 18:40:46 UTC
Nothing graphic, just a few stock photos of kids looking lonely

At first, I laughed. idk, the description was amusing to me.

And then I saw the photos and read the text and felt my heart break and then become enraged. Break because I've been bullied in primary and secondary school and it caused me to distance myself from people who could have become my friends. Rage because after coming out the other side, mind intact and ready to conquer the world and not be bullied anymore, I found myself in a job where I was the punching bag.

The bullies graduated from high school/college as well. And I found myself yet again, the bullied. Which just made me hate myself for allowing it to happen. And yeah, I'm not blaming the whole thing on myself, but it's just one of those things where you can't help but think 'what if' all the time.


fenris_lorsrai November 13 2011, 18:42:34 UTC
bunch of videos from Anderson's Cooper's new show "Anderson" about bullying

He also did a show on grieving which included a family that had a child commit suicide on grief He has a brother that committed suicide (though its not said why) so he and his mother talk about surviving a loss due to suicide. also includes some info on what people should and shouldn't say to someone that has lost a loved one to suicide.


cool story sis origamicage November 13 2011, 18:46:49 UTC
I was bullied bad enough in grade school that I tried to run away ( ... )


Re: cool story sis wicked_g November 13 2011, 18:56:29 UTC
Good god! That is terrible *hugs*

My bullies were a lot more passive...although I can claim that I had an actual nemesis in high school who made my life suck. A lot. In the end, after we had all graduated, my older sister slapped him. that was my bright moment :)


Re: cool story sis origamicage November 13 2011, 18:59:03 UTC
Bullying was still there throughout middle school and somewhat in high school, but the worst was definitely grade school. It screwed me up for awhile. For awhile I was convinced that no one wanted to touch me and that I should never get hugs from anyone because they would be disgusted with touching me.


Re: cool story sis wicked_g November 13 2011, 19:07:16 UTC
In year four (I think that's grade three...) my mum cut my hair off-I looked like a boy in a dress, basically. I was eight, so no female body to speak of, super short hair, and a pink gingham dress uniform for school.

I was treated like the plague amongst the girls in my year. No one wanted to or even dared talk to me. Sadly, we were all at that age where being friends with boys was Not The Thing To Do, so even though I could have joined another group of male friends who seemed to not understand why I was repulsive, I just retreated within myself and waited for my hair to grow back.

I still find it weird when people put a hand on my shoulder.

And of course I never told anyone this was happening, but without my mum being her awesome self, I don't think I would have lasted this long.


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