Are We Becoming The Onion? Is This Real Life?

Nov 04, 2011 13:59

Sometimes I think the Universe Writes This Stuff Up to Mess with Our Heads...

BofA Threatens Foreclosure Over Missing $1 From Already-Sold Home

How could a home be repossessed when it's no longer in the homeowner's possession? One family in Utah asked itself the same question.

Shantell Curtis and her family were threatened with foreclosure months after they had sold their Vernal, Utah house. What's more, the problem revolved around a single dollar, reports (h/t The Consumerist). Months after the Curtises sold and moved out of the home in August of last year, their lender, Bank of America, reportedly sent them a foreclosure notice.

Bank of America claimed the family owed months of missed mortgage payments, before realizing a $1 coding error had held up the Curtises' title transfer. While BofA has taken months to resolving the issue, the Curtises' credit report has taken a beating since then.

The episode is far from the first foreclosure mishap BofA has dealt with in recent months, and not even the smallest dollar amount related to foreclosure threats. In June, BofA tried to foreclose on a man living in Massachusetts over a missed mortgage payment totaling $0.00.

More recently, a Texas man was threatened with foreclosure over a home that was destroyed years earlier by Hurricane Ike, even though he had continued to make what he thought to be the requisite monthly payments.

BofA's numerous struggles this year aren't limited to foreclosures though. The bank, which recently lost its status as the largest in the country, experienced a heavy backlash after announcing in September plans to charge customers five dollars to use debit cards. Indeed, a poll found a third of Americans would leave their banks should a debit fee be put into effect.

Other banks made sure to note they themselves would not be imposing debit fees, and BofA eventually abandoned the idea this week, less than a month after CEO Brian Moynihan said his bank had "a right to make a profit."

Recent events would seem to have taken their toll on the bank's popularity. A recent poll found 9 percent of BofA customers said they are "not at all likely" to stay with the bank. That's compared with 6 percent of Wells Fargo customers and 3 percent of JPMorgan Chase customers. Likewise, 15 percent of BofA customers said they don't feel valued.

Bank of America has been the worst performer in the Dow Jones Industrial Average for the last two quarters.

Bankrupt Crystal Cathedral Asks Members To Donate Meals For Founders; Limo Will Make Delivery

California-based megachurch Crystal Cathedral has made what churchgoers find to be a strange request: Drop off meals for its founder Robert Schuller's pneumonia-stricken wife, Arvella, which will then be picked up by a limo.

Church administrators sent out the email asking people of its congregation to help out the Schullers by dropping off prepared meals, the Orange County Register reports. The plea also outlined what kinds of food would be acceptable.

The message sparked some controversy, with some members saying the fact a limo would be making the delivery was "ludicrous."

Cathedral spokesperson John Charles told the Orange Country Register the request was for churchgoers to help ill members of its congregation, as they have done in the past.

But one member doesn't see it that way.

"We're just tired of it," Bob Canfield told the Los Angeles Times. "We're just tired of them taking advantage of us."

The church recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and the Schullers were accused of taking $10 million from the church's endowment funds, the Associated Press reports.

fail, capitalism fuck yeah, eat the rich, capitalism, bankruptcy, banking, not the onion, facepalm

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