Ron Paul to Build Colosseum to Feed the Sick Uninsured to the Lions. It is The Humane Thing to Do.

Sep 13, 2011 02:32

Tea Party Debate Audience Cheers Idea Of Letting Sick Man Without Insurance Die (VIDEO)

The last two Republican presidential debates have been some of the most macabre on record. Last time around, at the Reagan Library, the crowd gave the biggest applause of the night to the 234 executions that have occurred in Texas while Rick Perry was governor.

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you stay classy, election 2012, eat the rich, flames on the side of my face, thank you! fuck you!, republican party, stupid people, tea party, health care, republicans, right-wing rage pimp, ron paul, murder, tea bagging, scumbags, libertarians, fuckery, evil, populism, fuck this guy, invisible hand of the free market, politics

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Comments 140

sizequeen September 13 2011, 14:31:24 UTC
In his defense, the subject of the question was a young single person who *elects* not to buy insurance. Wolf made a big mistake in that phrasing.

He should have asked what should someone who cannot *afford* 200-300 dollars a month do if they get cancer. He should have asked what Paul plans to do about the fact that a person could pay into insurance for years, and then find that their illness is not covered or not fully covered by insurance. Wolf should have asked about the high rate of medical costs related bankruptcies.

This is a horrible, horrible clip that reveals the heart of the GOP and the Liberterians, but Wolf's question was weak-sauce.


sihaya09 September 13 2011, 14:36:57 UTC


erunamiryene September 13 2011, 15:00:49 UTC
True, but still. Cheering about ANYONE dying in the hospital when there are means to save them is just fucking terrifying. It's just ... ugh, I don't have words for it.


moonshaz September 14 2011, 02:41:11 UTC
Nauseating would be one possibility. Out of too many to count.


myrrhmade September 13 2011, 14:35:51 UTC
This is fucking despicable.


achuislemochroi September 13 2011, 22:10:38 UTC
Couldn't agree with you more.


hammersxstrings September 13 2011, 14:38:30 UTC
humans make me sad. hearing this...just sad.

now, this is sort of OT but i get loads of good info from this comm, so if someone could clarify? if I could ask a legit serious question, without getting yelled at; what would be the issue in making many of these programs-education, for example-a state responsibility rather than the federal government's responsibility?

i suppose I don't understand it enough. I like a lot of what Ron Paul says-not all of it, but some. And I've always been more moderate, right leaning. He scares me a lot less than Rick Perry, and I admire his refusal to give into partisan talking points (ie "Muslims aren't to blame for 9/11", etc). I'm just curious if making certain things that are funded by the federal gov't-Education, which is a biggie for me-a state's responsibility instead is that bad of an option.


muppetfromhell September 13 2011, 14:55:46 UTC
Off the top of my head? most states can't afford it and can't be expected/bothered to attempt a reasonable level of quality... If we're making it a state issue, why not make it a local issue? the whole reason to create a federal government, from my perspective, is to pool and maximize the resources throughout the country for the betterment of all citizens. If everything is run by the states, it falls apart (see: articles of confederation)


bellonia September 13 2011, 15:39:51 UTC
Another reason it's a bad idea for states is that most (maybe all) states require having a balanced budget. It's why some of the services that don't bring in direct revenue, like education, is slashed first.


riath September 13 2011, 14:39:43 UTC
Um, yeah. Fuck you all assholes.

As a side note, I find it ironic that many of these people are the same idiots who bitched about death panels under "Obamacare". You got your own death panels already apparently.


bnmc2005 September 13 2011, 14:59:59 UTC
I find it ironic that many of these people are the same idiots who bitched about death panels under "Obamacare".



maladaptive September 13 2011, 15:14:39 UTC
Only the free market is allowed to decide when I die! INVISIBLE HAND OF MORTALITY OR BUST.


louisadkins September 13 2011, 21:15:56 UTC
Somewhat OT, your comment reminded me of a movie trailer.


jamesq September 13 2011, 14:47:52 UTC
Happy to be Canadian right now. And a little afraid that the current Canadian government sees this sort of bullshit as an ideal worth pursuing.


brewsternorth September 13 2011, 20:22:08 UTC
Even more terrified as a Brit expat that the UK government is even remotely *thinking* in that direction.


kcountess September 13 2011, 20:26:37 UTC
So much this. And I say that without any smugness about being Canadian, solely becuase fo those assholes who seem to think this kind of thing is a good idea.

I can only imagine what Tommy Douglas would think of this whole issue.


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