Franklin County sheriff’s actions under scrutiny after Memorial Day shooting

Jun 03, 2011 20:58

 Virginia- The call that Franklin County Sheriff Ewell Hunt placed to a Salem Police Department dispatcher -- in the minutes before Jennifer Agee was shot to death on Memorial Day -- betrayed no sense of the crisis he was attempting to defuse, the Salem police chief said Wednesday.

"When he called dispatch at 11:18, he basically wanted to talk to a patrol supervisor," said Salem Chief Jeff Dudley.

Hunt identified himself as law enforcement when he called, Dudley said, but "there was no sense of urgency, and he did not indicate that there was any kind of emergency."

But Hunt did have an emergency. Dispatch logs show he was acting on a 911 call from the wife of Franklin County sheriff's Deputy Jonathan Agee, who had told the county sheriff's office her husband was on his way to Salem, armed with an assault rifle, to kill his ex-wife, Jennifer.

In a statement released late Wednesday, Hunt said he first got word that Jonathan Agee was armed, driving his county vehicle and in an "agitated state" when he was called by the deputy's father, Steve Agee, at 11:04 a.m.

Hunt, according to his statement, immediately attempted to call the deputy himself but did not reach him. About seven minutes later, the sheriff called Franklin County dispatchers and got more information.

"I can assure you that both myself and members of the Franklin County Sheriff's Office did everything possible, with the information that we had at the time, to alert the appropriate authorities as to the situation regarding Mr. Agee," Hunt said. "At no time did we ever have any indication that Mr. Agee was capable of such a horrific act."  (more)

Sheriff Hunt ordered dispatcher mum on deputy's threats, transcript says [with transcript]

Roanoke-A Franklin County sheriff's dispatcher said Sheriff Ewell Hunt ordered her "not to mention anything" about a deputy's threats to kill his ex-wife, according to a Roanoke police transcript released today [Read the transcript.].

The dispatcher refused to share the information when a Roanoke counterpart reported that a man in a Franklin County sheriff's car had shot a woman in Roanoke, according the transcript.

Ninety seconds after the first 911 call reporting the shooting outside the Sheetz convenience store on Orange Avenue, the city dispatcher reached a Franklin County sheriff's dispatcher.

"Do y'all have a K-9 unit in the city of Roanoke?"

After a confused back and forth, the Franklin County operator finally said, "OK. We are looking for a K-9 unit ... He has made a remark. But see, I, see -- What our sheriff is telling us ... not to mention anything. So that's why I'm sorta stuck in the middle of this."

The Franklin County dispatcher finally said she'd call Sheriff Hunt and get him to phone a Roanoke sergeant. [more]

This is disgraceful, especially after Hunt's previous problems letting his teenage daughter run the department. Audio and transcripts at the source. Please support the citizens of Franklin County on a Facebook page calling for his resignation. No, Mr. Hunt, you did not "do all you could" by calling another department and asking, "You got a supervisor handy?"

ETA: A movement by some citizens of Franklin County has already gathered almost 200 signatures on a petition calling for the removal of Mr. Hunt from the office of Sheriff. All it takes is 1545 to be put in front of the circuit judge, 10% of the votes cast in the 2007 election for Sheriff.
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