Apr 01, 2011 15:43

Mike Huckabee says every American should be indoctrinated at gunpoint.

Did Mike Huckabee just flush his presidential aspirations down the proverbial toilet? Well, if American mainstream media has an ounce of journalistic gumption remaining the answer most certainly would be “yes”. Huckabee has just been caught on video, at a Christian supremacist conference, stating that Americans should be forcibly indoctrinated at gunpoint. The organization which hosted the “Rediscover God In America” conference, United in Purpose, has edited Huckabee’s comment from footage of his speech, but not before People For The American Way’s Kyle Mantyla captured the unedited footage, in which Mike Huckabee states, “I almost wish that there would be, like, a simultaneous telecast, and all Americans would be forced-forced at gunpoint no less-to listen to every David Barton message, and I think our country would be better for it. I wish it’d happen.”

Source, and here's the video:

image Click to view

I'm currently on vacation in Arkansas and when I saw this I was like HOW ABOUT NO.

oh not this shit again, mike huckabee, reaction .gif post, consider the source, separation of church and state, oppression, conservatives, flames on the side of my face, religion, fuckery, god save us from your followers, batshit, how to win friends and influence people, america fuck yeah, arkansas

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