GoDaddy CEO kills elephant, videotapes act

Apr 01, 2011 16:20

'Bob Parsons says he shot pachyderm to protect crops; PETA outraged '

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This year, GoDaddy CEO Bob Parsons went on an African vacation and shot an elephant. He recorded the whole thing on video.

There's one scene where a swarm of "hungry" villagers rip flesh off the dead elephant.

All the villagers are wearing bright orange GoDaddy-branded hats, too.

Lots of people are upset about it, including PETA.

Parsons says he did it because the elephant was eating villagers' crops. Opponents say there are non-lethal ways to solve that kind of problem.

We have no idea who's right - just that the whole video is weird.

It's definitely the kind of thing only a super rich CEO/founder of a privately-held company could get away with.

If you're wondering if it was illegal, it wasn't. By the way, can I ask why 'hungry' is in quotes? Are Zimbabwe villagers famous for faking starvation to get free elephant meat or some shit?

Also, the non-lethal ways I've heard proposed on the news so far are... fences. An elephant-proof fence? Paid for and maintained by... who, exactly?


africa, animal rights, zimbabwe

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