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Comments 41

erunamiryene November 18 2010, 20:06:00 UTC
98 low-income patients approved for organ transplants have been told they are no longer getting them because of state budget cuts

"It's not MY fault your family doesn't have any ... what was it again?"
"Um ... food?"
"Well! You REALLY should have thought of that before you became peasants! Take him away."

Seriously, this is all I can think of.

Also, who the FUCK TAKES AWAY A TRANSPLANT APPROVAL? Honestly, if I could get out of Thanksgiving dinner with the in-laws, I would, because I have no desire to go to Arizona at ALL, especially after this bullshit. That's just ... wow, it's just disgusting.


popehippo November 18 2010, 20:18:01 UTC
Well. The state of Arizona just murdered 98 people. Because that's what it is, isn't it? They had the chance, the possibility, to save 98 people for at least a few more years and they said no.


romp November 18 2010, 22:42:29 UTC
That's how I see it. But I've never understood arguments against everyone sharing the cost of health care. Isn't sharing resources why we're bound together in a country and not each living in a walled compound?


roseofjuly November 19 2010, 04:47:34 UTC
THIS. On a totally selfish level, even, your heart transplant means you continue to live and work and funnel more money into the tax system and possibly support ME when I need birth control or Social Security or whateverthefuck else. I thought the whole purpose of living in a society was being able to lean upon the other members of that society when you are in need. Otherwise, what's the point?


romp November 19 2010, 04:57:42 UTC
Some think the point is to get rich, however possible. I think maybe all the con artists need to go make their own country or enroll in restorative empathy therapy.


escherichiacola November 18 2010, 20:20:37 UTC
So this is the death panels everyone feared?


eyetosky November 18 2010, 20:25:26 UTC
Well played.



sihaya09 November 18 2010, 20:26:58 UTC


very_veggie November 18 2010, 22:25:17 UTC
Sounds like it to me!


notgarystu November 18 2010, 20:26:34 UTC
If these people really wanted organ transplants, they would bootstrap some motherfucker and steal his kidneys.

Meanwhile, fuck AHCCCS. They almost killed my sister.


orwellian_trash November 18 2010, 20:39:25 UTC
"The collective principle asserts that... no society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means."
-Aneurin Bevan, In Place of Fear, p100


brewsternorth November 18 2010, 20:45:43 UTC
I imagine poor Nye (and Ernie and David and all the others who agreed with him) are shaking their respective heads in the hereafter.


romp November 18 2010, 22:47:11 UTC
Most Canadians I talk to, even ones who identify as right-wing, agree with this as a basic premise. When they'd hear that we paid $800/mo or went without healthcare, they thought that was inhumane.


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