This Week in Blackness- Racism is Over: A Definition.

Aug 25, 2010 11:22

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Racism is Over. Obvi.

As of late this particular sentiment has been stated to me or friends of mine in numerous forms numerous times. And, as of late this hasn’t come from other Negroes (which for a brief period in ‘08 it started to.) This reoccurring phenomenon has often come from non-blacks in various stages of unrest do to our...ahem...” ( Read more... )

this week in blackness

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Comments 54

slick_nyc August 25 2010, 17:40:49 UTC
Every time I hear white people complain that racism is over, I usually say "Don't tell black people that racism is over, tell white people its over. Because a lot of them are still acting like that shit is on. Go tell them to knock it off."


iolarah August 25 2010, 18:06:22 UTC


triannamaxwell August 25 2010, 18:45:25 UTC
Yoinking your response for whenever I have the displeasure of hearing this stupid drivel of a comment.


_sockmonk_ August 25 2010, 20:33:30 UTC
Great response.


bwhahahabeck August 25 2010, 17:52:37 UTC
My brother is in the camp of constantly telling me that POC and LGBTQ 'complain too much' and 'need to get over it'. Yeah, okay.

To the post: This is a good point and I'm going to spread this point and maybe people will learn something.


sarien August 25 2010, 18:28:01 UTC
I've been told by numerous people that we should end affirmative action and welfare, because race isn't a big issue any more, so I should focus on bigger issues like general poverty. (aka stop complaining, racism is over). It makes my heart hurt, especially since myself, family, and friends experience it on a daily basis. I'd like to seem them grow up poor and black in America, or even just as a PoC.


alucinors_neco August 25 2010, 18:38:52 UTC
Dumb video. Rape? This dude looks like he was born in the 80's. Nonetheless, I know that racism is still alive. I also know that racism is something more than whites against blacks. It can be, and is, flipped the other way around. Also, has this guy heard about the protests against Muslims in New York lately? This country and other countries around the world are full of racist people. Where does this racism come from? We could start with religion and major media outlets.

This guy sucks and he's not even remotely funny. He's not helping the problem, he's part of the problem.


poetic_pixie_13 August 25 2010, 19:00:39 UTC
Did you miss the part where this series is called This Week in Blackness? Elon has addressed issues of racism again non-black poc and against poc in general. This specific video is, I believe, his reaction black man to the argument that racism is over. And please do not try and say that racism can happen to white people too. Just don't. White people have immense privilege and the so-called 'racism' that they face is not at all comparable to what POC go through everyday.

I did cringe initially at the thought of comparing racism to rape but I think that analogy works pretty well. (Full disclosure: I've never been a victim of rape or sexual assault and so if a survivor says that the analogy fails in fifty different ways I will defer to them.)

And while humour is always subjective I think that Elon is hilarious and insightful and that TWiB always manages to be both spot-on and entertaining.


keithmex17 August 25 2010, 19:23:50 UTC
I also know that racism is something more than whites against blacks. It can be, and is, flipped the other way around.



sunoftheskye August 25 2010, 19:34:04 UTC


poetic_pixie_13 August 25 2010, 18:40:08 UTC
Posting this wonderful video everywhere I can. Although, as usual, the people that need to see it probably won't bother. Your frustration is apparent in this video and I really appreciate that. I am so goddamned sick of having this conversation.

The only thing you’re accomplishing is to marginalize the already marginalized and possibly get a glass of wine thrown at you--depending on your vicinity to said marginalized Negro.


Personally I don't know if my favourite part about the 'racism is over' meme is the implication that white people know best when it comes to race and racism or the idea that Canada is magically not racist(which is another conversation for another day). Just... argh. My response to the former always ends up being "I do not need a lecture on race from some privileged white person who has the gall to assume that they somehow know more about race than me. Fucking do not pull that shit with me." Not exactly the best way to facilitate discussion but whatever. I'm tired of having to worry about hurting the ( ... )


everythingonit August 25 2010, 22:09:06 UTC
Goodness, thank you! I am also sick of poor confused white people. I'm sick of trying to explain, it's so frustrating!


noir_aya August 26 2010, 00:23:50 UTC
I want to buy you a drink for this comment.


homasse August 26 2010, 01:38:13 UTC
Too many people think that racism is just people in Klan robes hurling the n-word and burning crosses, so they don't even register all the other, more insidious ways that racism impacts people. And plus, if they don't see it, it doesn't exist!


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