This Week in Blackness- Racism is Over: A Definition.

Aug 25, 2010 11:22

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Racism is Over. Obvi.

As of late this particular sentiment has been stated to me or friends of mine in numerous forms numerous times. And, as of late this hasn’t come from other Negroes (which for a brief period in ‘08 it started to.) This reoccurring phenomenon has often come from non-blacks in various stages of unrest do to our...ahem...” ( Read more... )

this week in blackness

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alucinors_neco August 25 2010, 18:38:52 UTC
Dumb video. Rape? This dude looks like he was born in the 80's. Nonetheless, I know that racism is still alive. I also know that racism is something more than whites against blacks. It can be, and is, flipped the other way around. Also, has this guy heard about the protests against Muslims in New York lately? This country and other countries around the world are full of racist people. Where does this racism come from? We could start with religion and major media outlets.

This guy sucks and he's not even remotely funny. He's not helping the problem, he's part of the problem.


poetic_pixie_13 August 25 2010, 19:00:39 UTC
Did you miss the part where this series is called This Week in Blackness? Elon has addressed issues of racism again non-black poc and against poc in general. This specific video is, I believe, his reaction black man to the argument that racism is over. And please do not try and say that racism can happen to white people too. Just don't. White people have immense privilege and the so-called 'racism' that they face is not at all comparable to what POC go through everyday.

I did cringe initially at the thought of comparing racism to rape but I think that analogy works pretty well. (Full disclosure: I've never been a victim of rape or sexual assault and so if a survivor says that the analogy fails in fifty different ways I will defer to them.)

And while humour is always subjective I think that Elon is hilarious and insightful and that TWiB always manages to be both spot-on and entertaining.


keithmex17 August 25 2010, 19:23:50 UTC
I also know that racism is something more than whites against blacks. It can be, and is, flipped the other way around.



sunoftheskye August 25 2010, 19:34:04 UTC


popehippo August 25 2010, 19:57:29 UTC
I also know that racism is something more than whites against blacks.



whosmurry August 25 2010, 20:08:13 UTC
pichipai August 25 2010, 21:11:12 UTC
It can be, and is, flipped the other way around.

So fucking sick of this ~reverse-racism~ meme.


everythingonit August 25 2010, 22:08:02 UTC
For real?


thevelvetsun August 25 2010, 22:46:52 UTC


freezer August 25 2010, 23:28:16 UTC
homasse August 26 2010, 01:45:17 UTC
Wow, it's nearly every single dismissive, derailing tactic all in one short little comment. That takes serious m4d sk1llz, y0, to pack so much in so little. You get a gold star!


Sir... elon_james August 26 2010, 06:40:27 UTC
Could you possibly expand on your thoughts on this?


alucinors_neco August 26 2010, 18:11:35 UTC
To say white people are privileged is very generalizing. Like we are not subjected to prejudice in a community, which we are the minority? Can we not be poor either? Prejudice and racism is everywhere. I get irritated with the "white devil" stuff. Some people act as if no other race in the world have greedy, selfish, and inconsiderate people either. Why should the color of my skin make someone think I'm racist or "privileged"? To claim one kind of racism is greater than the other, is racist in itself ( ... )


alucinors_neco August 26 2010, 18:25:44 UTC
I'd also like to add that I'm not familiar at all with this series, or this person. So I really do apologize for coming off the way I did. The video just rubbed me the wrong way at the wrong time.


Wow! I get to use this already! freezer August 26 2010, 22:11:06 UTC

... )


Re: Wow! I get to use this already! homasse August 27 2010, 01:17:35 UTC
It never seems to take long, does it?


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