McCain's first Biden ad, to be aired during DNC

Aug 23, 2008 15:31

Ensuring that the network and cable news coverage of Barack Obama's vice presidential announcement includes their oppo, John McCain McCain's campaign is going up on the air with an featuring Joe Biden praising his GOP colleague and questioning whether the Democrat is ready for the White House.

It's a simple ad that really writes itself: two clips, one from an interview the other from a primary debate, that help underscore their central theme. First, that Obama is not up to the presidency and would require, in Biden's words, "on the job training." Further -- and this clips is where it helps that McCain and Biden are pals -- that the GOP nominee is somebody who can work across party lines and even blur partisanship at times.

"Biden" will air in "key states" per the campaign, but in the short term it provides a handy video response to the hours of veep coverage this weekend.

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joe biden, vice presidents, john mccain

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