‘Shattered’ Charts Hillary Clinton’s Course Into the Iceberg

Apr 17, 2017 19:20

Donald J. Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in November came as a shock to the world. Polls, news reports and everything the Clinton campaign was hearing in the final days pointed to her becoming the first female president in American history ( Read more... )

books, hillary clinton

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Comments 31

ericadawn16 April 18 2017, 03:11:22 UTC
I really hope they would learn from this for 2018 but James Thompson and other things make it seemed like they haven't learned anything at all.


blackjedii April 18 2017, 11:40:34 UTC
Most of her campaign staff will find nice cushy lobbying jobs or jobs in data analytics.

There's legitimately no reason for the structure behind a national DNC race to change.


"you need to concede" fka April 18 2017, 03:33:25 UTC
Her team's convoluted power structure "encouraged the denizens of Hillaryland to care more about their standing with her, or their future job opportunities, than getting her elected."

ugh, this sounds just like every bad boss i've ever had lmao. i also read this piece about the same book earlier:

Obama called Hillary and told her she had to concede https://t.co/iV2Ut8G5Gq pic.twitter.com/WGejUH72JU
- Peter Hamby (@PeterHamby) April 17, 2017

Shortly after 11:00 p.m., after Wisconsin was called by Fox News, Allen and Parnes report that the campaign fielded a series of calls from the White House pushing Hillary Clinton to concede, even though the margins in many states were extraordinarily close. President Barack Obama thought it was over and did not want a messy recount ( ... )


fka April 18 2017, 03:42:42 UTC
also LMAO @ her gay campaign manager getting most of the blame for her shitty campaign. maybe he purposely sabotaged it to get back at her for this:


blackjedii April 18 2017, 11:39:02 UTC
It would be funny if we weren't stuck with the results. :/

TBF I think we would have still hit Syria and be saber-rattling with both Russia and North Korea with Clinton as well. But at least there would be more consistency involved. (then again she was praising Kissinger so...)

Whatever man I want a 2016 do-over. Or erased completely. NOTHING GOOD HAPPENED IN 2016!


mhfromnh April 18 2017, 15:26:11 UTC

... )


lovedforaday April 18 2017, 15:47:21 UTC
how many Clinton postmortems that say basically the same things will be posted here?


mhfromnh April 18 2017, 15:50:22 UTC
we should start a betting pool.


moonshaz April 21 2017, 06:25:12 UTC



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