‘Shattered’ Charts Hillary Clinton’s Course Into the Iceberg

Apr 17, 2017 19:20

Donald J. Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in November came as a shock to the world. Polls, news reports and everything the Clinton campaign was hearing in the final days pointed to her becoming the first female president in American history ( Read more... )

books, hillary clinton

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mhfromnh April 18 2017, 15:26:11 UTC

... )


lovedforaday April 18 2017, 15:47:21 UTC
how many Clinton postmortems that say basically the same things will be posted here?


mhfromnh April 18 2017, 15:50:22 UTC
we should start a betting pool.


moonshaz April 21 2017, 06:25:12 UTC



molkat April 18 2017, 23:00:54 UTC
But this anti-Hillary circle jerk is a delightful chance to prove who is the most progressive liberal in this community.


blackjedii April 20 2017, 00:49:59 UTC
ooh ooh! Me! Me!!

...no. No, wait. I'm the most literal. Whoops.


moonshaz April 21 2017, 06:37:59 UTC

Lmao @ anti-Hillary circle jerk!  That's a perfect description of some of the posts around hete. I don't understand why some people keep insisting that she lost because ONLY because of the campaign's mistakes and NO other reason, or why it's so hard to even admit the possibility that there were other factors involved. Yes, the campaign made errors that were detrimemtal to her success, but it seems like gross oversimplification to me to claim that was The. One. And. Only. Reason. For the loss.


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