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Mar 28, 2017 21:24

650-year-old Polish oak is Tree of the Year

An ancient tree in Poland named the Oak Józef is the 2017 winner of the European Tree of the Year award.

The competition, started in 2011 as a way to highlight the significance of old trees, this year featured candidates from 16 countries and the participation of hundreds of thousands of people. The final vote in particular was a hard-fought campaign, with the Oak Józef narrowly beating out the beloved 500-year-old Brimmon Oak located in Wales.

Ironically, the United Kingdom, which has a seemingly unending list of beautiful ancient trees, has never won the top prize.

As for the Oak Józef, this majestic English oak has been a symbol of pride in Poland for generations; even currency from the early 20th century bears its image.

According to historians, the tree also served as a shelter for two Jewish brothers hiding from the Nazis during World War II.

"The hideout was shown to the brothers by Rozalia Proszak," said Jakub Pawłowski of the Ulma Family Museum in Markowa. "The hollow in which they hid was huge. People say it had two levels, the lower was used as a hideout and the upper - as a lookout. Both brothers survived the occupation but their fate after the war is unknown.

Rounding out the top five were an 800-year-old lime tree in the Czech Republic, a 300-year-old rain tree in France, and a several-hundred-year-old sycamore in England made famous in the film "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves."

You can see a few more images of some of the finalists below.


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