Meet Hillary Clinton's Potential Vice Presidents In 100 Words

Jul 16, 2016 17:10

OP: Now that Drumpf has announced his veep, let's talk about Hillary's veep possibles!

Hillary Clinton will already make history with her nomination for president, becoming the first woman to lead a major presidential ticket. Now the question is whether she wants to do it again with her choice of running mate.

Clinton is expected to name her vice presidential pick sometime after the Republican National Convention ends and before her own convention begins in Philadelphia on July 25.

On her list are several Hispanic lawmakers, African-Americans and at least one woman.

Latino politicians like Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro offer an appealing contrast to Donald Trump's controversial comments on Mexican immigrants, plus he would bring youth to her ticket.

She also has a close relationship with Labor Secretary Tom Perez, who is beloved by labor unions.

Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren would excite supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Brown has been a vocal opponent of free trade agreements and is one of the Senate's most liberal members, while Warren was the original progressive hero who has long railed against Wall Street.

But both Brown and Warren, along with New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, have a big complicating factor--they come from states with Republican governors who would nominate their replacements if the Clinton ticket wins. And with control of the Senate hanging in the balance this November too, losing a Senate seat may be too risky of a gamble for Democrats.

Ultimately though, Clinton may go with a safer, non-historic pick. Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine is a solid choice who was a finalist in President Obama's search eight years ago. Kaine himself has admitted he is a "boring" choice, but boring isn't necessarily a bad thing in politics, and he does come from a swing state too.

That's the same with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who has emerged as a late, top possible pick for Clinton. The former Iowa governor comes from an important state and is a longtime friend of the Clintons too.

Below are some of the potential candidates Clinton's team is weighing.

California Rep. Xavier Becerra
Age: 58 (born Jan. 26, 1958, in Sacramento, Calif.)
Current residence: Los Angeles
Education: 1980, Stanford University, B.A.; 1984, Stanford University, J.D.
Family: Married to Dr. Carolina Reyes, 3 children
Religion: Catholic
Fast facts:
- The son of a Mexican immigrant, he was the first in his family to get a college degree
- Made a failed bid for Los Angeles mayor in 2001, finishing a disappointing fifth in the Democratic primary
- Has advocated for a National Museum of the American Latino through the Smithsonian that would be built on the National Mall

Becerra is the current chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, making him the highest-ranking Latino in the House. Elected to Congress in 1992, he previously served in the state Assembly and was the California deputy attorney general. In 2008, President Obama offered him the position of U.S. trade representative, but he turned it down, saying he would have more influence in Congress. Becerra has stumped for Clinton in both English and Spanish and could be a powerful voice for her on issues of immigration. Once a supporter of NAFTA, he now says he opposes it and voted against CAFTA.

New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker
Age: 47 (born April 27, 1969, in Washington, D.C.)
Current residence: Newark, N.J.
Education: 1991, Stanford University, B.A., political science; 1992, Stanford University, M.A., sociology; 1994: Oxford University, Rhodes scholar; 1997, Yale Law School, J.D.
Family: Single
Religion: Baptist
Fast facts:
- Played football for Stanford University where he was chosen as class president; later selected as a Rhodes scholar
- Lived for eight years in Brick Towers, a low-income housing complex, while on the Newark City Council, to publicize the drug and crime problems coupled with inadequate resources there
- His 2000 losing campaign for mayor was the subject of the Oscar-nominated documentary Street Fight

Booker cultivated a popular social media presence and a national profile even before he was elected to the Senate in 2013. During his seven years as Newark mayor, he became well-known for shoveling residents' driveways after snowstorms, rescuing a woman from a house fire and living on food stamps. Booker could energize African-Americans and young voters. But as a freshman senator, his experience will be a question (even though he has served the same amount of time that Barack Obama did before becoming president). His attention-getting tactics also make him something of a wild card who could upstage Clinton.

Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown
Age: 63 (born: Nov. 9, 1952, in Mansfield, Ohio)
Current residence: Cleveland
Education: 1974, Yale University, B.A., Russian studies; 1979, Ohio State University, M.A., education; 1981, Ohio State University, M.A., public administration
Family: Married to Connie Schultz (one ex-wife); 2 children, 2 stepchildren, 2 grandchildren
Religion: Lutheran
Fast facts:
- Became the youngest state representative in Ohio state history after winning a seat in 1975
- Huge baseball fan whose personal email address begins with "DamnYankees" and who took his wife to Wrigley Field on their honeymoon
- His wife, Connie Schultz, won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for commentary while at the Cleveland Plain Dealer

Brown, two-term senator of one of the most critical swing states, would bring a geographic advantage to a Clinton ticket. He also would help with reaching blue-collar Democrats who might be swayed by Donald Trump's populist appeal. He has been a strong surrogate for Clinton when it comes to labor issues. Brown is also a vocal opponent of free trade and critic of NAFTA, an issue where progressives who backed Sanders are skeptical of Clinton's recent conversion. Before being elected to the Senate in 2006, he served in the House for 14 years and was previously the Ohio secretary of state.

HUD Secretary Julian Castro
Age: 41 (born Sept. 16, 1974, in San Antonio)
Current residence: San Antonio
Education: 1996, Stanford University; 2000, Harvard Law School, J.D.
Family: Married to Erica Lira Castro; 2 children
Religion: Catholic
Fast facts:
- His twin brother, Joaquin, is a Democratic congressman in Texas; in 2005, he was criticized for having his brother take his place in the City Council's parade float
- Credits affirmative action for helping him get into Stanford and later Harvard Law School
- Studied Latin and Japanese in school but doesn't speak fluent Spanish

The current secretary of housing and urban development, Castro is a rising star in the Democratic Party. In 2009, when he was just 35, he was elected the mayor of San Antonio--the youngest mayor of a major U.S. city. He delivered the keynote address at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. He would be the first Hispanic on a presidential ticket and would provide a contrast to Trump's controversial remarks about Latinos. But recent reports say he has slipped on Clinton's list owing to concerns he lacks the experience to step into the presidency if necessary.

Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine
Age: 58 (born Feb. 26, 1958, in St. Paul, Minn.)
Current home: Richmond, Va.
Education: 1979, University of Missouri, B.A.; 1983, Harvard Law School, J.D.
Family: Married to Anne Bright Holton; 3 children
Religion: Catholic
Fast facts:
- In law school, spent nine months in Honduras running a technical school founded by Jesuit missionaries
- His father-in-law, Linwood Holton, was a former Republican governor of Virginia
- Has said the Obama administration needs to get authorization from Congress to use force against ISIS, and has been critical of Congress for not granting an Authorization for Use of Military Force

Kaine would be a more traditional choice for vice president, but that may be exactly what Clinton needs. Last month, he even admitted he lacks the pizazz of some other candidates, telling Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd, "I am boring." He's an effective surrogate, comes from a swing state and has good relationships on both sides of the aisle. He has arguably the most political experience of her possible running mates, including service as mayor of Richmond, governor of Virginia and chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He is fluent in Spanish and was an early Clinton endorser.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick
Age: 59 (born July 31, 1956, in Chicago)
Current residence: Richmond, Mass.
Education: 1978, Harvard College, B.A., English and American literature; 1982, Harvard Law School, J.D.
Family: Married to Diane Patrick; 2 children
Religion: Presbyterian
Fast facts:
- After graduating from Harvard undergrad, worked for a year on a U.N. youth project in the Darfur region of Sudan
- Was the first African-American governor of Massachusetts and just the second black governor in U.S. history when he was elected in 2006
- Is a friend of President Obama, who phoned in to WGBH during Patrick's outgoing appearance as governor of Massachusetts

A former two-term governor of Massachusetts, Patrick would add diversity to the Clinton ticket. In 1994, President Bill Clinton appointed Patrick as an assistant attorney general, putting him in charge of the civil rights division of the Department of Justice. Later, he went into private practice as general counsel of Texaco and Coca-Cola. He endorsed President Obama in 2008; Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, consulted on Patrick's 2006 gubernatorial race and later helped in his tough 2010 re-election. While Massachusetts isn't a swing state, Patrick's business and executive experience could be useful as a counterpoint to Trump.

Labor Secretary Tom Perez
Age: 54 (born Oct. 7, 1961, in Buffalo, N.Y.)
Current residence: Takoma Park, Md.
Education: 1983, Brown University, international relations and political science; 1987, Harvard University, M.P.P. and J.D.
Family: Ann Marie Staudenmaier; 3 children
Religion: Catholic
Fast facts:
- Was the first Latino elected to the Montgomery County, Md., council
- The son of Dominican immigrants, his grandfather was the ambassador to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic in the 1930s
- Coaches his children's basketball and baseball teams

Perez has long been mentioned as a possible running mate for Clinton. The current secretary of labor was first appointed by Obama as an assistant attorney general for the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. The son of Dominican immigrants, he would help excite the Hispanic electorate. He is also beloved by labor unions--so much so that they campaigned against his nomination to replace Eric Holder as attorney general in 2014 because they wanted Perez to stay at the Labor Department. He is less well known than some of Clinton's other possible picks, though, but has been unafraid to attack Trump.

Former NATO Commander James Stavridis
Age: 61 (born on February 15, 1955 in West Palm Beach, Fla.)
Current residence: Atlantic Beach, Fla.
Education: 1976, U.S. Naval Academy, B.S.; 1984: The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, PhD, International Relations and a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy; 1992: distinguished graduate of National War College
Wife: Married to Laura Hall; 2 children
Fast facts:
- Led Deep Blue, a Navy operational think tank, after the 9/11 attacks
- Has over 50 US and international medals and decorations, including 28 from foreign countries
- Wrote a memoir called The Accidental Admiral

A newly-floated name Clinton is reportedly vetting, Stavridis would lend considerable military experience and national security credibility to a Clinton ticket. He spent over thirty years in the Navy and rose to the rank of a 4-star Admiral. For four years, he served as the 16th Supreme Allied Commander at NATO, where he oversaw operations in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the Balkans, and piracy off the coast of Africa. He is currently the Dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He has criticized Donald Trump, calling his foreign policy "naive and dangerous."

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack
Age: 65 (born December 13, 1950 in Pittsburgh, Pa.)
Current residence: Mt. Pleasant, Iowa
Education: 1972, Hamilton College, B.A., history; 1975, Albany Law School, J.D.
Family: Married to Christie Vilsack; 2 children, 4 grandchildren
Religion: Catholic
Fast Facts:
- Was born into an orphanage and adopted in 1951
- Has talked about his adoptive mother's prescription drug addiction and revealed she abused him
- In 1998, was the first Democrat elected Iowa governor in more than thirty years

Vilsack has served at almost every level of government, beginning as mayor of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa in 1987. He went on to serve as a state senator and the two-term the governor of Iowa. He's the current Secretary of Agriculture and is the only remaining member of President Obama's original cabinet. Like Kaine, he's a safe pick for Clinton and was already vetted for the vice presidency by John Kerry in 2004. He briefly ran for president in the 2008 cycle but dropped out in early 2007. He endorsed Clinton and served as her national co-chair.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Age: 67 (born June 22, 1949, in Oklahoma City)
Current residence: Cambridge, Mass.
Education: 1970, University of Houston, B.S., speech pathology; 1976, Rutgers School of Law, J.D.
Family: Married to Bruce Mann (one ex-husband); 2 children, 3 grandchildren
Religion: Methodist
Fast facts:
- Skipped sixth grade and graduated from high school at 16
- Nominated for an Emmy in the spoken word category for her book, A Fighting Chance
- Time called her a "New Sheriff of Wall Street" for her work following the 2008 financial crisis
When Warren campaigned with Clinton last month, it was many Democrats' dream ticket. She has been a ferocious Trump attack dog, firing back as the presumptive GOP nominee derided her with nicknames such as "Pocahontas." Even before she was elected, she became a hero for progressives after creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and speaking out against Wall Street influence. Many liberal groups urged her to run for president herself this year, but she rebuffed their advances. Now, Warren on the ticket could be an olive branch to Sanders supporters. Others think that an all-woman ticket would alienate some male voters.


OP: I looked at a lot of different articles on this topic and ended up choosing this one because it doesn't stump for a particular individual (or individuals), it covers a relatively large number of possible candidates, and it contains what I thought were a lot of interesting facts about of the people it discusses. I already knew some of this, but much of it was new to me. (NOTE: The individuals who are tagged don't necessarily represent my personal preferences (except Hillary Clinton lol); they're just the only ones we have tags for.

Who do you like for Clinton's running mate, ONTD_P? Please vote for your favorite below (or if you prefer someone who isn't on this list, vote "other" and tell us about them in a comment).

Poll Who should Hillary pick for her veep?

elizabeth warren, election 2016, vice presidents, tim kaine, democrats, hillary clinton, this looks like a job for cory booker

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