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screamingintune April 4 2016, 02:08:54 UTC
this has legit been one of the worst weeks I've had in like, idk, *looks at date* a solid 17 years? I am now officially a victim of medical/disability discrimination and am going to have to talk to a lawyer about it. obviously not going to go into more detail than that but suffice it to say I have been in such a stupor since Friday that it scares me.

and what kills me is that my doctor actually predicted this several months ago, warned me that I'd be discriminated against because of my medical conditions, and I didn't believe him. I guess I'm too trustworthy of the world.


soleiltropiques April 4 2016, 02:10:57 UTC
OMG that's terrible.

Here's a virtual *hug* if you want one.

I hope things get better soon.


screamingintune April 4 2016, 02:11:39 UTC
thank you bb <3 I will always take hugs virtual or otherwise


eveofrevolution April 4 2016, 02:11:24 UTC
screamingintune April 4 2016, 02:12:37 UTC
well fortunately one of my brother's best friends is an attorney and he has already agreed to talk to me for free about my options, so there's that at least.

thanks for the well-wishes <3


blackjedii April 4 2016, 02:16:49 UTC
you will make it

in the meantime think of baby giraffes

because they are strange and wonderful

... )


screamingintune April 4 2016, 02:18:00 UTC
thank you bb <3 haha I fed a giraffe once and it was indeed ridiculous. they have these ridiculously long tongues


ivegotanlj April 4 2016, 03:00:20 UTC
Good luck, boo boo. That shit is not cool. Good on you for reaching out to a lawyer. Hope it works out in your favor.


screamingintune April 4 2016, 03:46:04 UTC
thank you <3 I never expected this so the shock of it is getting to me more than anything.


spiritoftherain April 4 2016, 05:05:37 UTC
I'm really sorry to hear. :( May I ask about your disability? I'm going to be getting on the disability plan here in Canada but it's a neurological/learning disorder.


screamingintune April 4 2016, 06:15:48 UTC
I have a transverse myelitis of unknown origin on my spinal cord (but it's probably MS, they just haven't been able to make a firm diagnosis because it's hard as fuck to firmly diagnose), which causes heat sensitivity, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, balance issues, and my left leg is like, constantly pins-and-needles numb from hip to toe. This is where I get my disabled parking placard because I live in a very hot climate and cannot walk far without severe risk of both dizziness and falling down. I've had three bad falls in the last year which have resulted in fractures in both feet. Even standing for too long sometimes makes me sway ( ... )


spiritoftherain April 4 2016, 06:49:19 UTC
That's horrifying. Good on you for getting through it--I know there's literally no other option for it but to persist, but you have my respect for it all the same.

I know exactly what you mean, too. When it's not an immediately evident condition, people get all kinds of judgey. I'm writing a second application after the first got denied--and I couldn't appeal because the letter arrived too late and also during the holidays. :( Government assistance is all kinds of messed up. I wish you all the best with fighting the system!


screamingintune April 4 2016, 07:50:30 UTC
yeah there's no way to look at me and know I have all those problems. I'm young and overweight (thanks to both the pituitary tumor's hormonal problems and hypothyroidism as well as lipoedema -- really won the genetic lottery lol) so I've gotten some looks for parking in the handicapped space. People look at me and don't have a clue that there's all this shit going on in my body and just see a fat woman who doesn't want to walk far ( ... )


spiritoftherain April 4 2016, 10:36:50 UTC
I know friends who've had weight problems because of a thyroid issue. It's horrible that fat-shaming is such a thing and knowledge of what actually causes weight is so overlooked and undereducated. Even here in Canada, you get all kinds of judgey assholes who think in a certain way. It's shitty and awful ( ... )


screamingintune April 4 2016, 16:35:01 UTC
I am not on the spectrum, but the accompanying anxiety to my conditions has led to a lot of agoraphobia, so I get not wanting to leave the house.

And yeah, anxiety builds upon itself. I get anxious, I don't want to go somewhere or do something, then I get more anxiety about that. I get SEVERE anxiety about seeing doctors of any kind, which, hah, NOT HELPFUL when you really need to do that. I not only have to prove to the world that it's not just because you don't want to do things but severe anxiety, I also have to prove it to myself. Ugh.


tamingheadfauna April 4 2016, 15:59:16 UTC
Fist bump of solidarity, if you'd like it.

I, too, have pituitary shenanigans, its resulting hypothyroidism, and psychiatric diagnoses. Trying to sort out which set of symptoms is caused by what--and how to adjust any meds accordingly--sucks.


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