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Comments 29

rainbows_ February 11 2016, 03:33:33 UTC
Some criticisms from people of color:

... )


rainbows_ February 11 2016, 03:35:32 UTC
Sorry that the picture is big. Feel free to post about people of color who support Bernie.


sweetmizre February 11 2016, 03:34:32 UTC
“They need to understand that when a candidate presents a message, you’ve got to pierce the message to determine whether or not it’s realistic, given the political climate that we live in,” Butterfield said. “It’s not a negative, it’s not an aspersion on the new voter. It’s the fact that many of them are inexperienced and have not gone through a presidential election cycle before.”

I love that quote because it is oh so true.


brittdreams February 11 2016, 04:03:17 UTC
It is true but they were nowhere near as disparaging about new/inexperienced voters when they were voting for Obama. That new voters in 2008 were to be praised and new voters in 2016 are to be chastised for their naivete is bizarre to me. (Or, perhaps it's because they recognize public education has been underfunded, shortchanging the opportunity for newly minted voters to actually learn about government in the K-12 system? Nah, that couldn't be it.)


ericadawn16 February 11 2016, 04:10:18 UTC
I'm also annoyed because they keep acting like the only people voting for him are people who have never voted before. Being 33, I'm still a Millennial despite being a veteran voter of three presidential cycles before. My mom is a Baby Boomer who convinced me to vote for Obama in 2008 and 2012...I've won her over to Bernie and almost half of New Hampshire voters 65 and older voted for Bernie.

They need to stop villifying the younger Millennials as being the only Bernie supporters.


brennans February 11 2016, 04:16:25 UTC
when i think of the younger voters going to sanders i think "because he actually wants to help them get further in life. he's speaking to them." whereas i kinda think older people not voting for him as "annoying full of themselves baby boomers who don't really give a shit because they did "everything themselves" so they like to say even though they fucked things up." and so the older generations see what sanders is doing for the younger one as "dangerous".


rainbows_ February 11 2016, 03:43:27 UTC

#BREAKING: Former White House press secretary says President Obama wants Hillary Clinton to win the election. https://t.co/6OibkWgogv
- Adam Smith (@AdamSmith_USA) February 10, 2016

:x I feel like the former white house press secretary should of been more neutral for a least another month....


screamingintune February 11 2016, 05:39:14 UTC
I don't think this is surprising. Hillary and Obama are nearly identical policy wise and he has been very glowing in his praise of her.


brittdreams February 11 2016, 03:47:06 UTC
“Many of these are first-time voters and Senator Sanders’ message resonates with the younger generation because of the promises that he is making,” said Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.), chairman of the CBC. “But Mrs. Clinton and others are going to challenge the message by suggesting that it is unrealistic to believe that we can accomplish all of the things that Senator Sanders proposes.”

I feel like you could sub Sanders for Obama in that first sentence and this would be 2008 all over again. But, it's not like the CBC would've ever suggested that we not believe in Obama's promises. *sigh* CBC continues to disappoint.


sweetmizre February 11 2016, 03:49:22 UTC
The promises are a bit different though


brittdreams February 11 2016, 04:01:35 UTC
It's true. No one really believes a politician can deliver hope. But, Obama did make a number of promises we were told we could believe (closing Guantanamo comes to mind) that he never actually delivered on. And really, we should all know by now that the Congressional Republicans will stop at nothing to deny a Democratic president any legislative victories.


ericadawn16 February 11 2016, 04:13:17 UTC
The whole experience with Obama is part of why I like that Sanders aims high. If a candidate aims high, then we can at least get a middle ground that's decent. Hillary aims for incredibly low goals that she says are "realistic" but if the compromise means we get below her already lowered goals...we still end up with crap.

I want a candidate who wants to go to the moon so we'll still get the stars.


fishphile February 11 2016, 05:17:59 UTC
This is a shame, but not surprising.

I really dislike I people seem to refer to Sanders voters as these dreamers without realistic goals.

I'm also an older millennial who went through three elections and worked very, very hard knocking on doors, making phone calls, entering data and more for quite a few elections now.

I hope Bernie will find a way to nip this narrative in the bud. It's ridiculous.


ceruleanst February 11 2016, 06:47:47 UTC
I think it may be self-defeating. The people who absorb and genuinely take to heart the message of "It's unrealistic and foolish to even want to change the way things are"... am I supposed to believe those people will then go out and vote?


fishphile February 11 2016, 16:46:52 UTC
It is self defeating.

If you genuinely like Hillary then go with that. But Bernie can win as much as anyone else. People have to really go vote though.


bitchet February 11 2016, 23:14:49 UTC
Honestly, I won't believe Bernie can win until he has his "Reverend Wright" moment. The press has been ripping Hillary apart for 25 years and Obama for several. When Bernie can survive a bit of that, then I'll believe it.


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