Hillary Clinton on Women in Media: ‘Double Standard Is Alive and Well’

Apr 04, 2014 16:18

Potential 2016 presidential candidate also urged women not to take criticism personally: “You can't let it crush you”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said there is an enduring double standard for how women are treated in the media.

“The double standard is alive and well, and I think in many respects the media is the principal propagator of its persistence,” Clinton said at an International Monetary Fund panel in New York Thursday night. “And I think the media needs to be more self-consciously aware of that.”

According to Politico, Clinton was at the event to discuss her State Department service and potential 2016 run for president. Clinton has avoided discussing head-on the subject of her 2008 candidacy being historic for the sheer fact that she is a woman.

Clinton told moderator and New York Times columnist Tom Friedman that women face the added challenge of making men respect them and listen to their ideas, but they must also not let the double standard affect them personally.

“Too many young women, I think, are harder on themselves than circumstances warrant,” she said. “They too often take criticism personally instead of seriously.

“You can't let it crush you, and you have to be resilient enough to keep moving forward despite the personal setbacks.”


sexism, hillary clinton

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