Jerkass Cop shoots and kills neighbor's puppy

May 18, 2013 21:34

Chicago police on Friday night launched an investigation into what led an off-duty officer to shoot and kill his neighbor's dog.

The officer, an eight-year veteran of the force, said he was out with his young son on the 5800 block of North Oketo Avenue, on the city's far northwest side, when Maximus, a four-month-old pit bull, charged at them ( Read more... )

pets, fuck the police, *trigger warning: bullying, poverty, police, fuck this guy, *trigger warning: racism, animals, *trigger warning: violence, police brutality

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fenris_lorsrai May 19 2013, 15:44:39 UTC
Our cops are generally pretty good and mellow. After they had someone that was mentally ill commit suicide by cop about ten years ago, they've really emphasized training on de-escalation and NOT relying on guns.

About two months before Newtown shooting*, they had somebody wandering around outside the elementary school here with a knife, covered in blood. Only the guy was hurt, and that was all self inflicted. But that COULD have ended so badly and the cops basically had the schools go in lockdown and then just herded guy to field area and talked him down. He eventually surrendered and went to psyche ward.

So they're doing a pretty good job on NOT drawing guns unless absolutely last resort. They also host the monthly canine officer training event, so they get invaded by the horde of BIG SCARY DOGS once a month. So even the non-canine officer gets a lot of dog-time.

(*we're the town bordering Newtown. Newtown actually went into lockdown when that happened until they determined it was one mentally distraught guy with a knife, not something organized. If the timing had gone the other way and he'd done that two months AFTER... it very likely would have ended differently.)


moonshaz May 19 2013, 20:59:18 UTC
It's reassuring to hear that somebody somewhere is doing things right! And surely your local p.d. is not the only one working on this, so... *is cautiously hopeful*


natyanayaki May 20 2013, 01:16:09 UTC
That's great to hear (except that you live so close to Newtown, I'm so must be so difficult for you). I need to look into what my town/county does in terms of training officers to respond to dogs...


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