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iatrogenicmyth March 31 2013, 22:47:23 UTC
Maybe to avoid this controversy, they shouldn't have put up anything. I mean, it doesn't take a genius to foresee that some people are going to be pissed about it.


chaya March 31 2013, 22:47:56 UTC
I doubt Google really gives a flying crap.


iatrogenicmyth March 31 2013, 22:50:15 UTC
Agreed; tried to edit and add this but you'd commented:

Seriously, even the people who are upset about it ... are they REALLY going to switch search engines? I mean, come on now.

And also? Easter eggs also have absolutely ZERO to do with the whole point of Easter.


theguindo April 1 2013, 00:43:20 UTC
Actually they do in the Greek Orthodox tradition. Legend is that when Jesus died on the cross, an eggseller carrying his eggs to market had all of them turn blood-red in his baskets. But then, Greek Orthodox tradition is that you dye all the eggs red.


hinoema April 1 2013, 04:27:02 UTC
Well, they have a lot to do with Eostre (Astara) (sp?), the local fertility holiday the marauding Christians ripped off to try to win over converts.


helbling April 1 2013, 09:16:10 UTC
Actually, while there's plenty of evidence that Easter was moved to take the place of local fertility celebrations that cropped up around this time of year, 'Ostara' was totally made up by Bede, probably while hopped up on something (dude had issues), because if you check out his original writings (I had a link at one point, but latin at this time o' the morning is not something my brain wants to do) he only ever mentions it once, and it's not even a central point, it's a side note in a single sentence. NOT the sort of thing one would expect if there was, in fact, a widespread uniform celebration that took place throughout the region.


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