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chaya March 31 2013, 22:46:07 UTC
Good luck with Bing, guys.


oceandezignz March 31 2013, 23:33:35 UTC
NGL, I like Bing, but mainly for the airfare price predictor thingum. Helps me keep my airfare prices low!

Other than that, this "search engine shift" over Google not putting bunnies and eggs all over the place is ridic.


sitakhet April 1 2013, 00:43:32 UTC
airfare price predictor thingum.
Tell me more o___o


oceandezignz April 1 2013, 00:53:13 UTC
http://www.bing.com/travel Its basically your average flight search thing, allows you to search all the major trip ticket sites for comparison shopping without all the hopping and then it has the flight price predictor, which gives you a rough look at the flight market for when to buy or hold off!

I use to buy my airfare to Chicago in Januaray for my trips in May, thinking I was getting the best deal, but through Bing, I found out if I buy between President's Day-St. Patrick's, I save an extra $30-50 more than when I buy at the beginning of the year. XD


momomoing April 1 2013, 05:01:38 UTC
ikr!! I love their airfare predictor thing!! Too bad it doesn't work for international flights, tho


oceandezignz April 1 2013, 05:03:51 UTC
It doesn't?! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit- I wanted to start shopping around for airfare stuff, as I plan to go to Japan for my big 3-0 in two years. D:


momomoing April 1 2013, 05:05:56 UTC
Yeah, IDK it's never worked for me. I've tried it with Hong Kong and Seoul, but it says it doesn't any info on flights to those places :(


bleakwinters April 1 2013, 14:03:36 UTC
Have you tried SkyScanner? My boyfriend and I used it to book our holiday to Cyprus (from the UK), and it worked well for us!


sobota April 1 2013, 17:30:43 UTC
i love skyscanner for all my international trips...although i was using it from the uk, it also works from usa.


sfrlz April 1 2013, 00:19:21 UTC
lol srsly


idemandjustice April 1 2013, 01:25:05 UTC
Didn't Bing get sued a while back for actually using Google's results?


chaya April 1 2013, 01:28:54 UTC
*googles it*



ohmiya_sg April 1 2013, 01:40:32 UTC
LMAO I did not know that.


idemandjustice April 1 2013, 01:41:27 UTC
Chaya's link in her reply to me had better info. It doesn't look like they were actually sued, but it's hilarious anyway.


valkeakuulas April 1 2013, 17:42:50 UTC
Bing maps has decent aerial photography though, while Google maps is shit regarding that in Finland.


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