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Comments 26

dumpweeds February 1 2013, 03:57:29 UTC
the tone of this article irks me


kyra_neko_rei February 1 2013, 04:16:50 UTC
Me too.


kaizopp February 1 2013, 04:29:42 UTC
It sounds like it's written by someone paid to make her sound like a liar. (not saying it's the case, but yeah, that's what my mind jumped to because of the tone.)


spyral_path February 1 2013, 04:43:31 UTC

In this article she makes no mention of her weight, but says she was left off the roster because she'd quit at the end of the regular season, so it does kind of seem like she's bringing up her weight now just to add fuel to the fire.

But I don't like the tone of this article either. it sounds like it was written by some snarky ex jock who has no respect for women.


astridmyrna February 1 2013, 04:37:25 UTC
The larger cause is noble and important. Her sob story is less so.
Hey, hey asshole...

... )


natyanayaki February 1 2013, 04:44:07 UTC
I wonder if any of the cheerleaders chosen already announced their decision to retire as Courtney Lenz apparently has. I'm not saying that she's lying about being benched for her weight gain, that sort of thing happens I'm sure (in cheerleading, gymnastics, dance) but that might not be the reason she wasn't chosen to go to the Superbowl. I can understand choosing a cheerleader who'll be returning, or who hasn't announced her departure over one who isn't returning (but that's assuming that all of the "chosen" are returning, and I don't have information regarding that). As I understand it, she announced that she'd be retiring after the last game of the season so she'd technically already be in retirement in the post season? If that's the case, I can understand why the cheer coaches wouldn't choose her, and would instead choose someone who is still technically a part of the roster.


sihaya09 February 1 2013, 04:57:04 UTC
Quite frankly, it sounds like she felt entitled to the slot, even after she'd announced she was retiring and started to put in less hours. Doesn't exactly sound like "injustice" to me.


natyanayaki February 1 2013, 05:11:36 UTC
After reading into this more, I agree with you and I'm not sure that this author's tone bothers me as much as when I first read it especially if she's now using those two disciplinary actions in order to be included on the team to the SB (and essentially take the seat away from someone who was already picked). Though I am a bit curious if it's possible that she chose to retire because of fat-shaming, if that's the case I would have more sympathy for her, but it does seem that she initially did not cite her weight gain as the reason for why she wasn't picked. I hope that the reason she wasn't picked is because she's retired, and not because of her weight.


sihaya09 February 1 2013, 05:14:04 UTC
I think the weight standards in the industry suck, and yeah, it would suck if she were retiring due to that (although she gave other reasons in the interview). But the article flat out says that other people who'd been benched for gaining were picked, and like you said... the petition basically means someone already IN New Orleans to work would get sent home. That's shitty.


natyanayaki February 1 2013, 05:20:04 UTC
I hate the weight requirements, but because I've been dancing since I was 3 I understand them to a degree. I think technique, and talent should always be considered more important than weight, but when lifts might be involved (I don't watch football, and I don't know if cheerleading for football involves lifts)...I don't know...I get it to a degree in certain contexts, though I want to reiterate that ability, technique, and talent is far, far, far more important (or should be).


liret February 1 2013, 05:38:00 UTC
Apparently they only take half the squad, so it seems impossible to say that if she hadn't gained any weight she would have been one of the ones picked.

I mean, I think the weigh-ins for cheerleaders are ridiculous, but that doesn't mean it's why she's not going to the superbowl or that they should have to bring her.


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