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dumpweeds February 1 2013, 03:57:29 UTC
the tone of this article irks me


kyra_neko_rei February 1 2013, 04:16:50 UTC
Me too.


kaizopp February 1 2013, 04:29:42 UTC
It sounds like it's written by someone paid to make her sound like a liar. (not saying it's the case, but yeah, that's what my mind jumped to because of the tone.)


spyral_path February 1 2013, 04:43:31 UTC

In this article she makes no mention of her weight, but says she was left off the roster because she'd quit at the end of the regular season, so it does kind of seem like she's bringing up her weight now just to add fuel to the fire.

But I don't like the tone of this article either. it sounds like it was written by some snarky ex jock who has no respect for women.


natyanayaki February 1 2013, 04:46:44 UTC
Yeah, I think she's probably honest that she was benched for weight gain (it happens in cheerleading), but I'm not sure that that's why she wasn't chosen. I wonder if any of the 32 chosen have announced that they don't plan to return.


ljtaylor February 1 2013, 08:24:08 UTC
yeah she has also been confusingly quoted, and since there is an insertion for 'clarification', I am side eyeing this.

"They didn't specifically say that [it was because of the weight], but when it comes down to it, that's the only disciplinary action I had during the year,'' she told NBC's Today. "I got benched because of my weight, and they said that was the reason."


teacoat February 3 2013, 15:59:15 UTC
It sounds like she got benched at some point during the regular season because she gained weight, but the team didn't specifically say she was benched from the Super Bowl for her weight. And then other cheerleaders that also got benched for weight during the regular season *didn't* get benched from the Super Bowl because of it (possibly because they lost the "extra" weight beforehand).


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