TW: rape

Sep 26, 2012 19:06

Baltimore County, MD
Parents say child with special needs assaulted

Parents of a Baltimore County high school student with special needs said they are upset after they said police abruptly ended the investigation of a possible assault of their child during school hours.

The parents on Wednesday are also demanding more safeguards for students with special needs. The parents, who did not want to be identified, voiced their concern.

"It's absolutely wrong," the victim's father said.

He said his 15-year-old daughter with special needs was sexually assaulted Tuesday morning by an older male student at Dulaney High School in Towson. The father and the girl's mother are determined to speak out.

"Right now we are beyond embarrassment. It's the safety issue," the victim's mother said.

They said a police investigation into what happened just ended with no charges being filed.

"And they don't want to handle it. In other words, it's nothing they can do. It's no criminal act they said and that's it," the father said.

According to the parents the alleged incident happened shortly after their daughter got off the bus at Dulaney around 7:30 a.m. She and the male student went through the building ending up out back at portable bathrooms where the girl alleges some sex acts occurred.

Her parents said they believe there should be other safeguards not only because of her age but also because of her learning abilities.

"She's not able to give legal consent because she's not of the presence of mind to give legal consent," the mother said.

Her parents said they found out about it Tuesday night. They said their daughter claims she consented, but only because she was afraid of what might happen if she didn't. The girl was examined at an area hospital and police began investigating.

In a statement, Baltimore County police explained why everything ended.

"The Baltimore County Police Department thoroughly investigates all sexual assaults reported to our agency. In this case, no force was used at all during the encounter. Maryland law is very specific about criteria that must be met in order for criminal charges to be filed in sexual assault cases and those required elements are not present in this case. Also, when juveniles engage in sexual activity, a certain age difference between the two parties must be present in order for an act to be a crime. That difference is not present in this case."

On Wednesday the parents did meet with the school, principal who said she will look into the matter and take appropriate action.

The parents said they will keep their daughter out of school temporarily until they feel the situation is resolved.

Seriously, fuck everything about this.

sexual assault, ableism, maryland, *trigger warning: sexual assault, fuck the police, rape culture, rape

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