GOP accuses Obama of 'abandoning Czechoslovakia'

Sep 25, 2012 20:54

In a stunning display of dishonesty by paid right wing commentator Liz Cheney, the daughter of former VP Dick Cheney, who accused President Obama of abandoning the nation of Czechoslovakia even though the country has not existed since 1992.

The moment came on the political round table talk show called "This Week" broadcast on ABC. In specific Ms. ( Read more... )

czech republic

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lozbabie September 26 2012, 10:01:41 UTC
OK is this her roundabout way of trying to compare Obama to Chamberlain? Because that's all I can come up with using the terms 'Czaechslovakia' and 'appeasing'


bellichka September 26 2012, 11:31:40 UTC
ding ding ding! calling Obama Hitler without actually calling Obama Hitler.


lozbabie September 26 2012, 11:50:07 UTC
But it doesn't even make sense! Hitler didn't abandon Czechslovakia, he attacked it, is Obama attacking them now?


bellichka September 26 2012, 12:15:31 UTC
Gurl, you're preaching to the choir lol. However, it brings up the association... Godwin's law and all that. You equate anything Obama-related with Czechoslovakia and appeasement, and the mind automatically goes to Hitler, not Chamberlain. It's associating Obama with Hitler, without actually calling him Hitler. ~subliminal~ and all that.


bib_specialist September 26 2012, 13:40:23 UTC
That's exactly what I thought. She said Czechoslovakia deliberately to subliminally remind people of Munich and appeasement and to say that Obama is the new Chamberlain.


moonshaz September 26 2012, 20:39:38 UTC
If that's the case, the people she's aiming at are NEVER going to make that connection. Anyone in American who is dumb enough to think there still IS a country called Czechoslovakia never heard of Munich OR Chamberlain. You can take that to the bank!


omimouse September 27 2012, 04:37:59 UTC
While they might vaguely know Chamberlain as 'some guy who was all appeasement at Hitler', the chances of them knowing any more than that are . . . not really high, let's go with that.


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