LaFleur Poll

Mar 04, 2010 13:33

Since today is the one year anniversary of "LaFleur", I thought today's poll should have something to do with that.

I've been wondering for some time why the Oceanic 6 got their own sticky name, and the DHARMA 4 didn't. So I figured I'd call them DHARMA 4, and see what happens :P
After all, 4 IS a LOST number, and I enjoyed the DHARMA times A LOT, so why not?

Poll D4 vs O6

I'd also love for people to post DHARMA and O6 things, like this poster-thingies, that are hilarious!

It surprised me to read many complaining about Jacob's "Other have to let them look out at the ocean for a while."
Wasn't that phrase suppose to be a reference to this:

and who else when seeing Dogen's strange love for his baseball thought of...


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